a personal God是指人格化的神,是指具有人的特征的神,中文稱為位格神,也稱人神。基督教和伊斯蘭教現在信仰的神,都是personal God.
與personal God相對應的,是impersonal God。有個叫Spinoza的人,有專門著述。Spinoza's God,簡單來說,即是a living, natural God.
愛因斯坦信仰的不是a personal God,而是信仰Spinoza's God。
霍金同樣不信仰a personal God.
或許網上的這個說法,有助於你理解愛因斯坦所提到的cosmic religion:
Spinoza's system also envisages a God that does not rule over the universe by providence, but a God which itself is the deterministic system of which everything in nature is a part.