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回答: 模糊的語言:清華高才生,NBA巨星但為君故2016-05-04 18:20:35

2014–15 NBA Season: Is Jeremy Lin a bad basketball player?

There are two answers to this question.

By normal human standards, Lin is an amazing player. He'd easily be the best player in almost every gym in the world.

By NBA standards, Lin is the definition of "average point guard". A friend recently asked me who the most average NBA player was, and Lin was who we settled on. 

Here's a table showing how Lin compares to an average NBA player in three different "all-around" stats [1].


In all three metrics, Lin is remarkably close to league average.

When you start breaking down Lin's game, he remains very average. He's a respectable shooter, but he's not going to kill opponents with his jumper. He's a solid passer who will find the open man, but he won't slice defenses apart with his passing. He's a decent defender who knows what he's doing, but he's not going to lock down quality attackers. 

As a Rockets fan, I watched a lot of Lin over the past couple seasons, and I can only think of two noteworthy things about his game.

  1. He has a strong preference for driving to his right.
  2. He has quick hands that he uses to try to get steals on defense.

In conclusion, Jeremy Lin is a perfectly average NBA point guard. He's the kind of player who should start for a bad team or offer quality bench minutes on a contender [2]. All this considered, his overall average-ness makes Linsanity that much more stunning.

[1] All three of these stats attempt to quantify a player's contributions in a single number. PER, or Player Efficiency Rating, plugs box score numbers into a formula and then adjusts so that the average rating for a season is 15. Win Shares Per 48 uses box score stats to estimate how many points a player contributes to his team over a replacement-level player, and then converts this into wins. RPM, or Real Plus-Minus, is a regression-based method that uses lineup data method to estimate how much a player contributes while on the court. 

[2] According to Real Plus-Minus, Lin rates as 27th-best point guard. With 30 available starting spots, that puts him right on the bubble between starter and backup.

這是一年前的東西。在黃蜂這一年我林的表現(PER=13.8, WS/48=0.082, RPM=-0.91),低於其career average, 也低於NBA average——特此說明



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