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回答: 白九2014-08-24 08:01:24


“The small lie about the poem’s composition, though, can, perhaps, be trumped by a glimpse into the poet’s personal life. In his essay “Robert Frost’s Favorite Poem," M. Arthur Bleau recollects Frost’s telling him “the circumstances which eventually inspired what he acknowledged to be his favorite poem.” It’s a good story: Christmastime, family living on a farm, and no extra money for presents. Frost takes goods to the market but is able to sell nothing and heads home. Evening comes on and it starts to snow. Frost dejectedly drops the reins to give the horse his head. It knows the way home but slows down as the carriage approaches the house, sensing the man’s despair over his failure. How could he face them with nothing in his hands? The horse stops, and Bleau records what he says were Frost’s exact words: “I just sat there and bawled like a baby," until there were no more tears. Then the horse shook its harness and the bells jingled. Nothing had been said to the horse but he knew he was ready and took him home. Love would see the Frost family through that Christmas and the rest of hard times.”