舒嘯 譯
歡樂時,時光自行消逝 不留下一絲絲痕跡 苦悶時,時光全無羽翼 或太沉重無法飛去 原詩: Too happy Time dissolves itself And leaves no remnant by -- 'Tis Anguish not a Feather hath Or too much weight to fly -- |
歡樂時,時光自行消逝 不留下一絲絲痕跡 苦悶時,時光全無羽翼 或太沉重無法飛去 原詩: Too happy Time dissolves itself And leaves no remnant by -- 'Tis Anguish not a Feather hath Or too much weight to fly -- |
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