C will win, if every guy is smart enough and no cheating. The P(

回答: An Economics Problemcommentate2012-12-06 09:39:51

As A's Bloom is the most dangerous,.....


回複:C will win, if every guy is smart , The P(C win)>60% -jinjing- 給 jinjing 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 12/06/2012 postreply 13:58:40

請給出嚴格計算,對這個壇子的人要求高一些 -commentate- 給 commentate 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 12/07/2012 postreply 09:49:38

謝謝,A先打B球.B,C 先打A球. -jinjing- 給 jinjing 發送悄悄話 (721 bytes) () 12/07/2012 postreply 14:29:43
