回複:兄弟- 這個是你自己憑空想像的-- Maybe.

回答: 我的解釋。並感謝各位的參與。NaCl2010-08-11 04:55:46

If only you can find a perfect round water drop in nature, you will see different type of rainbow.

Sounds like you have googled a lot. Please attach a few links for us to see.

圓形水珠一樣是產生完美彩虹碼, 或是平的 No. please reviwe the principle of refraction.


兄弟- 這個是你自己憑空想像的-- 當然(答案) -guest007- 給 guest007 發送悄悄話 (699 bytes) () 08/12/2010 postreply 07:52:18
