
回答: 據說是上限最高的IQ測試題justso-so2010-06-29 21:05:57

Frankly speaking, even one of your answer is not correct (for 140), you are obviously a smart guy. I believe number reasoning questions are too easy for you in a normal IQ test that the up limit is 145, unless the question itself is quite ambiguous. It seems your strong point is "differentiate method", maybe that's why you did not get the answer of question 130. I believe you deserve IQ 140 in number reasoning category - one of the standard IQ test categories.


窩塞,茅塞頓開~~~ -AnaZhang- 給 AnaZhang 發送悄悄話 AnaZhang 的博客首頁 (676 bytes) () 07/01/2010 postreply 10:51:33

回複:窩塞,茅塞頓開~~~ -justso-so- 給 justso-so 發送悄悄話 (237 bytes) () 07/01/2010 postreply 15:52:09

完了,黔驢技窮了~~~ -AnaZhang- 給 AnaZhang 發送悄悄話 AnaZhang 的博客首頁 (56 bytes) () 07/02/2010 postreply 06:13:50

Think the remainder ,each number diverd by some number -jinjing- 給 jinjing 發送悄悄話 (124 bytes) () 07/02/2010 postreply 08:56:21

Thanks, but I can't find a way to make it work -AnaZhang- 給 AnaZhang 發送悄悄話 AnaZhang 的博客首頁 (164 bytes) () 07/04/2010 postreply 15:28:40

4,divided by 9,......the remainders are 4,5,6,7,8,9.... -jinjing- 給 jinjing 發送悄悄話 (14 bytes) () 07/04/2010 postreply 16:34:08

回複:4,divided by 9,......the remainders are 4,5,6,7,8,9.... -justso-so- 給 justso-so 發送悄悄話 (341 bytes) () 07/04/2010 postreply 21:12:53

高! 感謝“不怎麽樣”和“火眼金睛”~~~ -AnaZhang- 給 AnaZhang 發送悄悄話 AnaZhang 的博客首頁 (35 bytes) () 07/05/2010 postreply 07:29:24
