Could you explain the reasonings behinds each answer in detail, just for once?
The problem is, when you do not reveal your reasoning, even after a good amount of discussion, one has to wonder whether you really have a good point or that your might be just mistaken. It is not the best experience for the rest of the board...
Now for this question, if the answer "could be" 13/27, 1/3 or 1/2, then the question is probably not well stated because come on, a question as simple as this should lay out its expectations/assumptions clearly, otherwise what's the point in solving it? It's not like it's experimental physics...
I think 1/2 is right, and 13/27 just doesn't make sense to me.
(1) 13/27 I assume, is 2 kids * 2 generders * 7 days (so 28 different possibilities) but we already know one so it's 27, then in those 27, 13 are boys - which really don't make sense. I think it's the expected answer, only that it's the expected wrong answer frequently given as a distraction. For one, what's the basis of using 27, not 28, as denominator? The second kid can be a boy born on Tuesday too. For two, 28 is not right. Each kid could be male/female and born on any of 7 days, so each kid has 14 possibilities. Shouldn't 2 kids have 14*14 (not 14+14) possibilities?
Come on man...
An most importantly, why is the day of birth relevant?
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05/28/2010 postreply
回複:Come on man...
(115 bytes)
05/28/2010 postreply
No I don't. Could you explain?
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06/01/2010 postreply
Never mind. Got it.
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06/01/2010 postreply
回複:Never mind. Got it.
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06/02/2010 postreply
Also, can you confirm my understading of 13/27?
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06/01/2010 postreply