I mean vf is larger than that, the duck still can free

回答: 鴨子被吃掉了guest0072010-05-14 09:26:39

The question expects to see that when even V (fox) or V (cat) is at 4.60338811 times of V (duck), the duck can still free...

Cat or Fox at this speed (4.60338811 times of duck which is > 4.1415926 times), your answer is not related at all.

You have already figured out the right path before, maybe i jinjing-ed you...

answer is 鴨在半徑為x 的圓上與狐周旋於同一直徑遠端,然後沿切線遊完。 I belive you understand now.

Now i hope jinjing can understand as well - hehe


鴨在半徑為x 的圓上與狐周旋於同一直徑遠端,不可能. -jinjing- 給 jinjing 發送悄悄話 (170 bytes) () 05/14/2010 postreply 15:52:06

回複:鴨在半徑為x 的圓上與狐周旋於同一直徑遠端,不可能. -guest007- 給 guest007 發送悄悄話 (64 bytes) () 05/15/2010 postreply 21:26:51
