回複:下麵找路的題重貼-3 星

First of all, if any answer says running on any portion of thr circle, then it is wrong. Because you can not draw a circle by using a compass, the instrument used to tell directions;

2. The algorithms I was using can calculate the worse distance = 100/cos(180/n) + 200*(n-1)*tan(180/n). Coded a simple progam, it seems when n=8, distance=688.14, which is the shortest distance.

3. This algorithm has a big problem, not effective enough.
take n=4 as an example. The step 1, 41 out of 141 is really useful. In step 2, the first 100 miles were just testing what was already verified by the first step. Similarly, the first 100 miles of step 3 and first 100 miles of step 4 were testing what was already verified too.

4. A better way of thinking is needed.


沿圓弧走應該不是問題 -空指針異常- 給 空指針異常 發送悄悄話 (145 bytes) () 03/15/2010 postreply 14:57:47

回複:沿圓弧走應該不是問題 -Sam媽媽- 給 Sam媽媽 發送悄悄話 Sam媽媽 的博客首頁 (129 bytes) () 03/15/2010 postreply 20:35:57
