TKC has the correct answers. Congratulations!
This is just the reorangized for better read - I know this is important to some people in this board... lol
AT City A- Leave one cable alone. Mark it as A. Connect the rest into pairs.
At City B-
• You find only one cable is “single”. Mark it as 1. Now you know A-1 is connected.
Connect 1 to anyone cable left, mark it as #2
Find 2’s pair; mark it as #3.
Connect 3 to anyone cable left, mark it as #4
Find 4’s pair; mark it as #5.
Connect 5 to anyone cable left, mark it as #6
Find 6’s pair; mark it as #7.
Connect n to anyone cable left, mark it as #n+1
Find n+1’s pair; mark it as #n+2.
Back to City A
• Disconnect all
• Check which one is connected to A, marked it as B. Now you know B-2 is connected
• Check which is connected to B, marked it as C. Now you know C-3 is connected
• …
You can fingure out when there are even # of cables. READ TKC's final post.