
Transformation (1)

so n=even number. Let n=2a

Transformation (2)

(161^a1+1) and (161^a1-1) are 2 consecutive even number. Only one of them can be divided by 4, which must be (161^-1). Because the above transformation (1).

Repeat transformation (1) and (2), we'll get a2 follow the same pattern. Repeat until it just give (161^ai-1) is in a form of (161-1), which gives the smallest n.

Each round give 1 more factor 2, and (161-1) gives 5 factor 2s.

(161^a1+1)(161^a1-1) must be in a form of (161^2000+1)(161^2000-1)

so n=4000


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