習慣用語:turn on a dime 靈活(音頻文字)

來源: 婉蕠 2011-05-12 07:19:59 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (4630 bytes)
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習慣用語:turn on a dime 靈活(音頻文字)ZT

我們上次學的幾個習慣用語都含有表示五分硬幣的詞nickel。今天要學的習慣用語裏的關鍵詞匯是幣值僅高於nickel的dime。然而出乎意料的是dime比 nickel和一分硬幣penny都要小。它是美國錢幣中最小最薄的一個。原因是當初鑄造dime用了比較貴重的銀子。

今天要學的第一個習慣用語是:turn on a dime。 Turn on a dime要是直譯就是在一個十分硬幣上打轉。剛才說過dime是個一丁點兒大小的銀圓,所以turn on a dime一定是形容在極小極小的地方打轉。換句話說是活動非常靈巧。


例句-1:You know the car is ten years old and one of these days I'll have to spend the money to buy a new one. But there's one thing I love about it, the way it handles - it can really turn on a dime, just like one of those expensive sports cars.


這段話裏的turn on a dime意思就是靈活的意思。 這個習慣用語常常會被用來描述汽車所具備的這種性能,但是有時也可以用來說人。例如要是一名籃球運動員動作迅速靈敏,能閃電般地轉變方向,那麽我們也能這樣說他:He can really turn on a dime.


今天要學的第二個習慣用語是:get off the dime。 Get off有離開的意思。這個習慣用語聽來似乎有點古怪。其實它起源於二十世紀的早年。當時城裏開設向公眾開放的舞廳。一名男士花十美分買了一張舞票,舞廳裏的一個伴舞女郎就會來陪他跳完一支四、五分鍾長的短短的舞曲。有些舞客會一下子買好多舞票,那就可以跟不同的伴舞小姐一起跳好多次舞了。

舞廳經理為了賺錢,必須在一支舞曲結束時催促舞客立即離開舞池,別站在原地跟伴舞小姐聊天。由於一張舞票隻是十美分,於是舞廳經理要舞客快走的話就是:get off the dime. 這句話不知怎麽就流傳到舞廳外被廣泛應用在其它各種場合,來命令他人別耽擱、馬上繼續行動。我們聽個例子。


例句-2:Come on, people, let's get off the dime! Our vice president has to take that contract with him when he goes to Los Angeles Thursday to meet the customer. We only have two days to finish it, so I say it again, it's time to get off the dime.


這裏的習慣用語get off the dime意思就是:不要拖延,馬上行動!


今天要學的第三個習慣用語是:a dime a dozen。 A dime a dozen從字麵意思來看就是十美分一打。怎麽會這麽便宜呢?一定是多得不知其數又極其普通的東西才會這樣不值一文。其實作為習慣用語a dime a dozen既可以說東西也可以用來說人。指什麽樣的人呢?我們聽個例子來領會吧。

這是個哥哥在勸慰妹妹Betty。 Betty的男朋友剛甩了Betty去追別的女孩兒了,於是Betty情緒低落。我們聽聽這位好哥哥怎麽給妹妹打氣,特別注意他話裏的習慣用語a dime a dozen:

例句-3:Betty, don't let it get you down. To tell you the truth, I never thought much of that guy - men like him are a dime a dozen. Forget about him! With your brains, good looks and personality, there'll be a lot of other guys interested in you.

他說:Betty, 別為這事兒垂頭喪氣。 老實說,我一向認為那家夥沒什麽大不了 - 這樣的人一文不值。把他忘了吧!有你這麽好的頭腦、相貌和性情,好多別的男孩兒都會對你有意思的。

顯然這裏的a dime a dozen用來評論人毫無價值。

Words and Phrases

1. turn on a dime

例句-1:You know the car is ten years old and one of these days I'll have to spend the money to buy a new one. But there's one thing I love about it, the way it handles - it can really turn on a dime, just like one of those expensive sports cars.

turn on a dime意思就是靈活的意思。

2. get off the dime

例句-2:Come on, people, let's get off the dime! Our vice president has to take that contract with him when he goes to Los Angeles Thursday to meet the customer. We only have two days to finish it, so I say it again, it's time to get off the dime.

off the dime意思就是:不要拖延,馬上行動!

3. a dime a dozen

例句-3:Betty, don't let it get you down. To tell you the truth, I never thought much of that guy - men like him are a dime a dozen. Forget about him! With your brains, good looks and personality, there'll be a lot of other guys interested in you.

顯然這裏的a dime a dozen用來評論人毫無價值。



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