禮節美語:Intuition 直覺(音頻文字)

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禮節美語:Intuition 直覺(音頻文字)ZT

銷售部的Steve, Faith和Katie圍繞直覺展開了討論。Katie說

Katie: I think perhaps everyone has different kinds of intuition. I'm a pretty bad judge of character, but I'm a wiz at picking stocks!

Steve: You should go to Las Vegas! You'd make a killing!

Katie: (Chuckle) That's not a bad idea!

Faith: But what Katie is doing is not exactly the same as gambling. She reads and watches business news, but her intuition is better that other people's. She can pick out the signs and clues that the rest of us miss.

Katie說,人跟人不一樣,比如她自己,I'm a pretty bad judge of character看人就經常走眼。但是I'm a wiz at picking stocks. 挑選股票確是奇才,wiz, w-i-z, wiz.

Steve開玩笑說,Katie應該到賭城拉斯維加斯去,You'd make a killing! 保準走運,賺大錢。可Faith卻說,Katie選股票不是盲目下注,而是她在這方麵的直覺比其他人更敏感,可以pick out the signs and clues that the rest of us miss,發現很多其他人注意不到的線索和跡象。

K: I've read books by famous CEOs and most of them talk about how important it is to develop your intuition. Of course, not every hunch you have will turn out to be right.

F: That's true. Sometimes my intuition is really off! Like with my last two boyfriends.

K&S: (Laughter)

S: Intuition might play a bigger role than I think it does. My brother is a police officer and he says nine times out of ten he will just feel that something isn't right. Then when he investigates, he usually discovers he was right.

直覺也不是每次都對。除了Intuition和gut feeling,hunch, h-u-n-c-h, hunch也是直覺的意思。Faith承認,Sometimes my intuition is really off! off, o-f-f, off在這裏意思是不符合標準。例如,His performance was really off recently. 他最近的表現不太好。Steve最後承認,直覺可能確實比他以為的更重要,他當警察的哥哥就說,nine times out of ten,十有八九都是他的直覺告訴他有問題,調查結果還真是那樣。

K: So what should we do about this deal? Faith's intuition says there's something wrong.

S: How about if we crunch the numbers again and see if there is anything fishy?

F: Sounds good. Let's go over all the documents with a fine-tooth comb and see if we can find the problem.

K: Will do. I'll work on it this afternoon.

F: Thanks for your input, guys!

Steve建議,從頭再算一遍crunch the numbers again, crunch, c-r-u-n-c-h, crunch在口語裏有計算、處理的意思。Faith表示讚成,決定把所有文件重新仔細地過一遍,with a fine-tooth comb用一把細齒的梳子,引伸為仔細檢查。

Words and Phrases

1.I'm a pretty bad judge of character

2. I'm a wiz at picking stocks.

3. You'd make a killing!

4. pick out the signs and clues that the rest of us miss.

5. 除了Intuition和gut feeling,hunch也是直覺的意思。

6. off在這裏意思是不符合標準。
例如,His performance was really off recently.

7. nine times out of ten

8. 從頭再算一遍
crunch the numbers again

9. with a fine-tooth comb


禮節美語:Intuition 直覺(1)(音頻文字) -婉蕠- 給 婉蕠 發送悄悄話 婉蕠 的博客首頁 (120 bytes) () 05/09/2011 postreply 12:53:13



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