職場美語:Dress Code(1)(音頻文字)

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職場美語:Dress Code(1)(音頻文字) VOA (ZT)


Frank: Good morning everyone. Thanks for being on time.

Gary & Penny: Good morning, Frank.

F: We've got a whole bunch of topics to go over today, but let's start with a simple one: our company's dress code.

G: We have a dress code?

F: Well...if we didn't have one before, I'm instituting one, starting now.

P: What exactly does this mean?

公司老板Frank說,首先討論著裝要求,dress code。Gary覺得奇怪,不知道公司什麽時候有了dress code. Frank表示,以前沒有沒關係,I'm instituting one starting now. 就從現在開始定。

F: I've become concerned that we are getting a bit too casual. I was walking through the office the other day and some people were wearing shorts and T-shirts! I don't think that is appropriate office wear.

P: It's true. Our standards have been going down. It used to be that we wore casual clothes only on Fridays, but these days it seems we do it almost everyday.

Frank原來是看到員工穿得太隨便,a bit too casual. T恤衫,短褲,什麽都有,不合適上班穿。另外一位女主管Penny承認,著裝標準是有些下降,原來隻有星期五不用穿得太正式,也就是常說的Casual Friday, 可如今大家每天都穿得很隨便。

G: But Frank, don't you think maybe this isn't such a big issue? I mean, why does it matter what we are wearing? I think productivity is more important!

F: Actually, I agree with you, Gary. Productivity is the most important thing. But I think what we wear is linked to productivity.

P: In what way are they linked?

F: Police officers wear uniforms, right? It's a symbol to both them and the public that they are serious about what they do.

Gary覺得,穿著並不重要,重要的是工作效率,productivity. Frank卻認為,穿著跟效率之間也有密切聯係。比如警察穿製服,就是一個象征,a symbol, 告訴自己,也告訴大眾,他們覺得自己的工作很重要。

G: You're the boss, Frank, so of course it's your call...but I have to say, I'm not so keen on this idea. I think neckties cut off blood circulation. I'm much more in favor of a relaxed workplace environment.

F: And for some companies a relaxed atmosphere might work. At Google they let you bring your dog to work! But we are a serious financial company with an image to uphold.

Frank的工作態度論並沒有說服Gray. 他說,you're the boss. It's your call,你是老板,你說了算,但我還是主張有一個輕鬆的工作環境 I'm in favor of a relaxed workplace environment. Frank看來已經拿定主意,說輕鬆的工作環境適合某些公司,但他們是一家嚴謹的金融公司,with an image to uphold,要保持公司形象。新的dress code是什麽呢?我們下次繼續聽。

Words and Phrases

1. 著裝要求 dress code

2.  I'm instituting one starting now. 就從現在開始定。

3. 穿得太隨便 a bit too casual

4.  星期五不用穿得太正式 Casual Friday

5.  工作效率 productivity

6.  象征  symbol

7. You're the boss. It's your call. 你是老板,你說了算.

8. 我主張有一個輕鬆的工作環境.
 I'm in favor of a relaxed workplace environment.

9.  with an image to uphold 要保持公司形象

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