
來源: waveline 2011-02-24 13:09:11 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (3349 bytes)
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回答: More than Just a Spring Festival Eve Celebrationwaveline2011-02-15 14:47:35

More than Just a Spring Festival Eve Celebration

This year’s Eve celebration is definitely something more than itself. Of course, it brought us a quite good Eve and the as-expected dissatisfaction too. Here I am however not interested in evaluating the quality of the programs. What interests me is the sign emitted from this annual celebration.

You may agree with me that the position of the working class has been elevated to a new high in this celebration. The role of these people was meaningfully interpreted by one program entitled ‘We working class are powerful’.  Indeed, this rising and transformed China has received much of the needed support from these builders, who this year have been treated with justice.   

Secondly, people from lower classes like the country guitar girl have been given more chances for self-expression and self-declaration. Note, previous opportunities were generally offered to those of higher position such as officials, managers,and millionaires, but none this year. It is also betrayed in other Eve programs that the spotlight has been switched to the commons. This probably marks China’s resolution of returning to taking the road of mass'.

And thirdly, the merit of Chairman Mao was singled out as this year’s unique effort in lauding the new China. The array of red flags on the spacious stage strongly reminded of the coming back of an era, if not actually a complete restoring.

Deng’s theory has done its part in revitalizing China’s economy and finally causing China’s take-off. But the by-products of the theory are also many. And it is the time again Maoism works for China. In the years to come, it is very likely that both Deng and Mao’s approaches would be partially seen working together. And would this be the scientific approach advocated by the President Hu Jintao?



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