My laptop went dumb since a viral attack a couple days ago, but

本帖於 2011-04-23 02:41:14 時間, 由版主 林貝卡 編輯

My laptop went dumb since a viral attack a couple days ago, but I still “鼎”!!nice vignette!

I could sense and feel the affection among the words and between the lines of your lovely vignette! My plan of writing practice will be at the launch soon, hopefully this summer, because we'll have so many papers and essays to work on in the next semester. 

You're so talented, keep up the good work!


太謝謝小千了,那麽的忙還來頂,感動~~ -yy888- 給 yy888 發送悄悄話 yy888 的博客首頁 (129 bytes) () 02/17/2011 postreply 18:23:31
