Lilac, I know you really delight in debating~ however, I don't have the quality~ :( (I don't have the quality, 熟悉不?也是Friends裏的,嗬嗬~)
Diametrically speaking, when I feel cornered ppl'll see certain part of my personality shadowing like this, I don't like Friends. I used to, but not any more.
Does the show Friends help us on English learning?
Yes. Absolutely yes. I used to stick on Friends for about 1 year or 2. 剛出國的頭一兩年,天天學!crush, drift apart.........都是那時候學的。你的學習筆記我看著好親切,和我那時的筆記一樣一樣的~
Can the show, or some show like this, play a key role in English learning?'s hard to say. I don't believe so.
See, I haven't studied these sitcoms for years, however, I'm always a social butter fly wherever I go. And my job, being an acute health care provider, requires solid language skill, and so far I've handled it very well! 病人出現肺血栓,主治醫師在手術室,麻醉師在手術室,PA在急診,Radiologist 在 X-ray,藥劑師也不在科裏,在10分鍾打幾十個電話,向個個professionals 匯報情況、傳遞他們的意見......最後匯總醫囑,精確寫在病例上並立即執行......this is just a small piece of my daily work. Do you think Friends helped me to achieve this?
NO~ :)
A lot of people think I was born in North America, or at least grew up here. Have the sitcoms made this?
NO~ :)
We're living in North America where awash in overwhelming language learning materials. My best recourse: my lovely Canadian and American friends, colleagues, my cute patients, newspaper, classmates, professors, printouts, radio, TV ......theses are the accurate portrayal of the REAL LIFE. I think they're abundant and lavish enough for me to indulge rather than Friends.
Friends, this casual and lay-back comedy 對我學英語來講實際上沒什麽用,真的。
我英語的提到都是在生活和工作中 interacting with all kinds of ppl: from senators, professors, diplomats, to farmers, city workers, and even homeless!
More and more English learners relish crunching the script of sitcoms, maybe because they think the culture, idealizing slangs, dominates this world. 可我怎麽覺得不對呢,那些好朋友來我家,大家一起吃喝,玩的不亦樂乎時也沒聽她們說那麽多slangs呀?我們一起去K歌,也沒那麽多slangs呀。工作中就更少了。當然,工作中也學到不少惡心的slangs,比如“blue angel”感興趣的自己去查吧,別問我啥意思,嗬嗬~這些詞我寧可不會。