習慣用語: up to scratch 合格的 (音頻文字)

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習慣用語: up to scratch 合格的 (音頻文字) VOA (ZT)

我們上次講了幾個由up這個詞開頭的習慣用語。今天再學幾個。 Up這個詞可以解釋為“往上”,例如在這個習慣用語裏: up the wall。 Wall當然是牆壁,up the wall字麵意思是上牆。上牆可不是件輕而易舉的事兒。這也許就是這個習慣用語的出典。當然作為習慣用語up the wall是作比喻了。


例句-1:At dinner they sit right next to me staring up with those big, sad eyes like they're starving. This drives me up the wall; they won't stop begging until I sneak a bite of food under the table for them. But they're getting as fat as a pair little pigs.



所以習慣用語up the wall是用來描繪受不了的情況,或者是我們常說的“快把我逼瘋了”的意思。Up the wall時常和動詞drive搭配。我們說:drive somebody up the wall, 是形容把某人逼得實在受不了。這個習慣用語沿用至今已經有五十來年了。


今天要學的第二個習慣用語是up to scratch。Up to scratch這個習慣用語起源於九十來年前,來自早先在室外舉行拳擊賽的時代。當時人們在泥地的拳擊場上劃出一條線,就叫做scratch,而兩名拳擊選手在準備開始比賽的那一刻得腳尖抵著這條scratch麵對麵站著。

換句話說,他們得up to scratch, 才合乎拳擊賽的規定。久而久之,人們把up to scratch用到和拳擊比賽無關的地方去了。我們聽個例子吧。說話的是個經理,他正在辦一件棘手的事兒:得對一個名叫Joe的下屬指出他的工作表現夠不上標準。


例句-2: Joe, I have to tell you - your work is simply not up to scratch. You're slower than others in your department and the results aren't as good. We'll give you a couple of months to improve, but if you can't, I'm very much afraid we'll have to let you go.


這裏的習慣用語up to scratch顯然表示“合格的,”或者“合乎標準的。”還有兩個短語和up to scratch意義相似。一個是: up to par。另一個是: up to snuff。Up to par和up to snuff跟up to scratch一樣,都可以用來表示“符合標準的,” 但是up to snuff還常用來說某人處於正常的健康狀況。例如這句話:He feels up to snuff.



今天最後要學的習慣說法是一個單詞: upmarket。 Upmarket是由up和market組成的複合詞。大家一定知道market是市場,up常常表示“在上方”或者“在上層。” 這樣看來複合詞upmarket是高檔市場,然而upmarket 是當形容詞用的,所以更確切地說upmarket是用來描繪迎合上層社會富人的喜好和需求的高檔商品。



例句-3:Bob, be smart and shop around in regular jewelry stores. Stay out of those upmarket places that charge more for the same stones. Remember they have to pay a lot higher rent and spend a lot more on furniture just to impress people like us.

他說: Bob, 放聰明點,多走幾家一般的首飾店比比價錢,別去那些高檔地方,同樣的鑽石在那兒價錢就高。記住,他們付的房租更高,買家具花的錢也更多,目的就是吸引象我們這樣的顧客。


Words and Phrases

1. up the wall

例句-1:At dinner they sit right next to me staring up with those big, sad eyes like they're starving. This drives me up the wall; they won't stop begging until I sneak a bite of food under the table for them. But they're getting as fat as a pair little pigs.

up the wall是用來描繪受不了的情況,或者是我們常說的“快把我逼瘋了”的意思。Up the wall時常和動詞drive搭配。我們說:drive somebody up the wall, 是形容把某人逼得實在受不了。

2. up to scratch

: Joe, I have to tell you - your work is simply not up to scratch. You're slower than others in your department and the results aren't as good. We'll give you a couple of months to improve, but if you can't, I'm very much afraid we'll have to let you go.

up to scratch顯然表示“合格的,”或者“合乎標準的。”

還有兩個短語和up to scratch意義相似。
一個是: up to par。
另一個是: up to snuff。Up to par和up to snuff跟up to scratch一樣,都可以用來表示“符合標準的,”
但是up to snuff還常用來說某人處於正常的健康狀況。
例如:He feels up to snuff.

3.  Upmarket是由up和market組成的複合詞。

例句-3:Bob, be smart and shop around in regular jewelry stores. Stay out of those upmarket places that charge more for the same stones. Remember they have to pay a lot higher rent and spend a lot more on furniture just to impress people like us.


Audio download link:

  • 流行歌曲:2011年1月17日英語歌曲排行金曲(音頻文字)
  • 答謝紫靈晶: A Todo Color 五彩繽紛 (歌曲)
  • 小提琴曲:斯卡保羅集市 演奏:張毅 韋瑋
  • 歌曲視頻:滿江紅(《見龍卸甲》版)
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