The current situation of poetry

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The current situation of poetry
Text/Boya .wolaxiao
        Poetry and philosophy, worthy of mankind eternally.
  At present, not the audience do not accept poetry, but don't like the mediocre poetry. Poetry is good or bad it is difficult to define, especially modern poetry from the bondage of metrics, people have lost their standard evaluation of poetry.
        However, there are several common characteristics are good poetry.
  Poetic. Aristotle said: "poetry is soaring wings!" a good poem when people get into the mood, chewing flavor, it is able to grasp the soul of man, and stately sentiment. Poetry is not limited to text, it is the sublimation of the secular world. The greatest pleasure is the "poetic". And the more modern "poet" unilaterally the poetic Word.
        Thought. It is the soul of all literature, poetry. Merely the form, and focus on the content of thought. Good poetry is the navigational lighthouse, soldiers, Spears, swords of the Lone Ranger, the epitome of the era. Poetry without thinking, only to focus on external skills and flourishes, it will only be defeated by the readers of taste.
        Implicit. Poems do not directly exposed to the expression in the mood, and let the reader can understand. Implicit is different than the obscure. Obscure conceal thought pale, so I write more people, it is difficult to fault. No one can read poems, someone on the aesthetic value of?!
        Concise. Poetry is the most concise literature, poet writing skill. The poet has absolute mastery of language and rhetoric, proficient in order to foster! rather simple reduction of the number of words, branch.  
        Our age, people only focus on results, not in the process, he does not hesitate to fraud and trickery. If the Chinese poems only copying Western genre or doctrine, rather than take its essence to abandon the dross, how can the rising prosperity? how?
        Nowadays, are struggling to make poetry "stormed out of the cage", is the backbone of the network's prosperity produced by a group of "new generation" poet and a group of 80 's famous, now the "political" middle-aged poet. Massive intervention of the former, the silence of the long-awaited new poetry, poetry in the lively team added popularity; while the latter's comeback, more poetic revival provides strong evidence that many middle-aged poets have published their own poems, poetry reissue your own voice.
        Writing poetry people are attempting to change the situation of the poetry, the poetry of the status quo? a culture books have an "now you see China contemporary poetry?," social investigation, many dazed disdain. Ever stopped to accept advice, said pace in the past, like reading modern poetry, but now I'm confused.
        Has been hailed as "angry qing" poets, but commonplace attitude in the face of the current state of poetry. I contacted several verses that everyone has such a consensus is past national poetry, the poetry of nowadays found a harmonious relationship with society, the State is normal. Famous poetry critic Xie Mian was of the view that modern poetry began to position itself, through the 1980s and 1990s overheated yea depression period, into the 21st century is to rediscover their own survival, and through the recitation, entering the mainstream poetry publications and networks forming a virtuous interactions.
        Poets took longer. Most of them have a job, write poetry was just a hobby, a leisure and keep holding. In the abandoned social intervention as a poet, they more indirectly to poetry in public life.
        Of course, there was some cling to poets and poetry of the minority on the edge of the "standard".
        Poet Yang said, poetic imagination is very large, not necessarily to everyone to read, ideally to read after different interpretations, the author and reader interaction. While the North Island you think he now compared with the previous verse, to explore their inner journey, but also more complex. He had been aware of the distance with readers, but do not want to deliberately narrowed this distance. He said that the commercial failure of the fire, but reading the numbers are as important as what people are reading. As long as China's intellectual circles, there are people reading poems, poetry is worthwhile.



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