二順子, I'm not that conservative, but I don't view this as conservative or liberal issue on habiliments rather than proper wearing etiquette.
did i tell you this cute pre-woman only wore nylons( stockings) with her booty all bare? Did I tell you there was a run in the front of the nylons up to someplace (woo hoo)? I mean, she didn't have leggings on, in the way many women wear, which I’ve seen hither and thither in middle schools and in other public places. Even nylons she could wear properly. at least the flesh with nylons is covered and not in full view (her coat was small one, not covering her booty . :)
二順子,你說的太對了。I do not expect my daughter to grow up the way i did, evev though i wish:)))
Thank you, 二順!