
回答: Thanks for sharing. It's very helpful.北京二號2011-01-03 13:25:00

三個句子的相互比較使學習者更容易分辨出重讀(stressed),次重讀(secondary stress),以及弱讀)unstress):

Tonic stress is almost always found in a content word in utterance final position. Consider the following, in which the tonic syllable is underlined:

  • I'm going.
  • I'm going to London.
  • I'm going to London for a holiday.

A question does arise as to what happens to the previously tonic assigned syllables. They still get stressed, however, not as much as the tonic syllable, producing a three level stress for utterances. Then, the following is arrived at., where the tonic syllable is further capitalized:

  • I'm going to London for HOliday.