a few societies have perished from excess of individulism and skepticism; of these Greece and Renaissance Italy are the chief examples.

Theses, before perishing, produced a great outburst of genius, from which the world has profited ever since; they did far more for mankind than if they had survived in humdrum respectability.

And their way of persihing is not the usual way.

The usual way is to become sunk in conservatism, awed by precedent, terrified of novelty, completely stereotyped in word and deed.

Many more nations have been brought to destruction by fear of change than by love of it.

No nations can long flourish unless it tolerates exceptional individuals, whose behaviour is not exactly like that of their neighbours.

Everyone knows the men who achieve great things in art or literature or science are apt in youth, to be eccentric; when eccentricity in youth is not tolerated, there will be little of great achievement among adult men and women.

But although these things are known, it is difficult to cause them to be embodied in the practice of education.

It is right that men should live with some reference to the community, and some hope of being useful to it, but this does not mean that all men should be alike, for exceptional services require exceptional characters.

