Usually I don’t like reading political articles, especially long political articles. When I had a first glance of this one this morning, I suddenly kinda hit by a pang of guilty for those classmates who have been long suffering from my super lengthy English ones in the forum. Sorry guys, I’ll bend over backwards to shorten my writing in the future. I promise :)
But after I finish this article with patience, I have to admit that this is a very well written, powerful and touching writing. I hope one day my English writing can be this good. :)
For a long time, I have had this perception that being powerful means being sharp and fierce. But it turns out the most powerful strength is inner peace, objectiveness and broadness.
Being absurdly incriminated of free speech in a supposedly highly civilized 21-century country, the writer can still objectively observe and judge what has been happening around him, an admiring quality. I don’t see any bitterness, complaint or any angry slurs, which he has every right to do under this circumstance, against the “enemies” who put him through this persecution.
In the article, Liu praises the judges and two prosecutors for their professionalism and integrity during trials.
He also expresses his appreciation for their respect to him although they hold different political views and imprison him.
He even talks about the management improvement in the prison in details - an interesting part to read: It’s more humane and more flexible based on respect for the rights of the detainees. They have been provided comforting broadcasts," Repentance magazine, and music before meals, on waking and at bedtime. Here Liu specially dedicates his thanks to Liu Zheng, a respectful and caring correctional officer.
It is precisely because of such convictions and personal experience that Liu firmly believe that China 's political progress will not stop, and he, filled with optimism, look forward to the advent of a future free China.
From the big picture point of view, Liu also endorses what the current regime has achieved by putting forth the ideas of "putting people first" and "Creating a harmonious society," signaling progress in the CPC's concept of rule.
This part of writing is very convincing and solid due to the writer’s objective, overall view and peaceful attitude which make me more inclined to believe what he believe and consent what he has done. I can’t stand much those lopsided criticism or defame but I like Liu’s mature and non-subjective style very much.
What touched me most is the part he writes to his wife, who has been under the scarlet letter - the woman of a “criminal” for many years, yet still standing steadfastly by her beloved hu*****and.
"Your love is the sunlight that leaps over high walls and penetrates the iron bars of my prison window, stroking every inch of my skin, warming every cell of my body, allowing me to always keep peace, openness, and brightness in my heart, and filling every minute of my time in prison with meaning. My love for you, on the other hand, is so full of remorse and regret that it at times makes me stagger under its weight. I am an insensate stone in the wilderness, whipped by fierce wind and torrential rain, so cold that no one dares touch me. But my love is solid and sharp, capable of piercing through any obstacle. Even if I were crushed into powder, I would still use my ashes to embrace you.”
I like the last couple of sentences the best “I am an insensate stone in the wilderness, whipped by fierce wind and torrential rain, so cold that no one dares touch me. But my love is solid and sharp, capable of piercing through any obstacle. Even if I were crushed into powder, I would still use my ashes to embrace you”
As an English literature lover, I have read dozens of English romance novels, but rarely see this kind of deep, moving and passionate sentence.
In the end, I have to agree with Sister Beijing#2 that Liu is a MAN no matter what he believes, an intellectual man of integrity, nobility and conscience.
He is powerful, not because he is smart or insightful.
He is powerful, not because he gets some prize.
He is powerful because he has no enemies!
Thanks LZ for sharing this wonderful article.~~