
本文內容已被 [ lilac09 ] 在 2011-01-09 11:59:01 編輯過。如有問題,請報告版主或論壇管理刪除.
回答: 回複:Meet The Press (11/28/2010)selfselfself2010-11-28 18:43:30

I was kidding. Hope one day I could also have this fluency and flowy in such short preparation time.

The latter part, from this paragraph below, is read best, more stable, clear and your voice becomes natural.

"This is devastating.  I've spoken to many senior U.S. military officials, and they believe that this is--well, they use words like treason, they use words like a major breech of American national security.  And they wonder how the, the chief suspect accused of leaking these documents to WikiLeaks, a, a private first class, could have managed to do this, to bring out hundreds of thousands of first military cables, now diplomatic correspondences, internal documents that are supposed to be just within the, within the ranks of politicians and diplomats and embassies.  How such a low-level person within the U.S. military could have passed this on to a foreign agent who is now putting them online...."
