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回答: 偵探小說連載 KungFu Masters 16海外逸士2010-11-07 06:17:18

Is chi that magical?  



" When she got home, the part of her forearm below the wound down to her fingers and thumb looked blue. She quickly took some pills from a cabinet in the den and swallowed them and sat down on the carpeted floor in a cross-legged posture. She maneuvered her chi to the wounded area, trying to force out the poison through her fingertips. At that time, her mother came back, having picked Alida up from her school.  Perceiving the situation, Mrs. Lin sat behind Lois in the same pose, putting both her hands on Lois's back, infusing her chi into Lois for reinforcement. Alida was worried, too, and called Mr. Lin at the video store.  Hearing the bad news, Mr. Lin left immediately, leaving the store in the sole care of Mike."


Speaking of  "Snow-Lotus flower", it reminds me of years ago back in China. My brother went to Xinjiang on business trip. He brought him a Snow-Lotus flower for me.

“The poison has invaded the muscle. It will be very hard to get rid of now. Your grandfather said that there are only two ways to deal with this kind of poison.  One is to cut off the lower forearm. If we can't heal it, the poison will eventually go up and then your life's in danger. The other is to find a Snow-Lotus flower, which can totally heal the poisoned organ. Only the Snow-Lotus flower is very difficult to find. It grows only among the Tienshan Mountains in the Northwest of China. The mountain range is so vast that even if you spent years there, it would be hard to be assured that you could find one.”


海外逸士,how come you know so much?  I admire your knowelge and persistence.  I have learned a lot from your posts. Thank you so much for sharing your novels, and translations,etc with us. I am your loyal reader.


I learned all these from wuxia novels. -海外逸士- 給 海外逸士 發送悄悄話 海外逸士 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 11/07/2010 postreply 13:30:57

That is so cool. -婉蕠- 給 婉蕠 發送悄悄話 婉蕠 的博客首頁 (154 bytes) () 11/07/2010 postreply 16:41:09
