邂逅在裸體溫泉 (圖)

來源: 作舟 2010-10-19 22:44:25 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (9502 bytes)

watercolor by H. Y.

美 國 新 詩 賞 讀

An Encounter

We met naked on the sun deck by the
clothing-optional hot springs,
and I saw the long scar
like a smile across his furred abdomen
where they'd cut the cancer out of him.
He trained people in death and dying,
he told me;
divorced, he'd recently discovered poetry.

We talked as if my loose breasts
were not flopping companionably
against the knee I hugged to my chest.
Sunlight pooled on the wooden deck
like soup--sun soup. A woman did yoga
by the railing, her slender arms
assailing heaven.


I confessed that I am afraid to die
with poems unsaid inside me,
and he said, "You will.
You'll die with a great poem in your heart
that will never see paper."

We were quiet then. A bee buzzed
perilously close to my sweaty thigh,
and I heard it: I heard
the danger and sweetness inside everything.

Copyrighted by Alison Luterman



短短一首詩,在一個看似特殊的環境中折射了一個成熟靈魂對生、死的認知過程,以詩為載體,超越了對女主人公“對死的恐懼”。-- Z.Z.

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