Crucial Component for Goal Success ZT

來源: dowa 2010-09-08 08:24:28 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (711 bytes)
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"Measures of success are integral to realizing your aspirations."

When you set goals, it is important to make them measurable so you can keep score of your small and large successes along the way.

The very act of setting a goal and breaking it down into the small parts, and then completing those one-by-one, will make you feel accomplished.

Remember that you can't hit a target you can't see!

Identify and clarify the smaller parts. With each smaller goal achieved reward yourself because you are now one step closer to your dream --- something to celebrate and be proud of.

Today's affirmation: I break down my goals into smaller goals and reward myself for success.


Nice one. "Break down one's goals into smaller ones." -斕婷- 給 斕婷 發送悄悄話 斕婷 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/08/2010 postreply 11:05:54

Great! it is important to let yourself Identify and clarify the -ruiray- 給 ruiray 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 09/08/2010 postreply 14:12:07



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