Can you please confirm the time we're going to meet tomorrow and your company's address?
特逗, 一個agent 讓我明天去見她吧哈說給我發封信把地址什麽的都發過來,這都晚上了沒見個字什麽態度啊,有時候覺得老美不如咱國人有禮貌呢,,
Can you please confirm the time we're going to meet tomorrow and your company's address?
特逗, 一個agent 讓我明天去見她吧哈說給我發封信把地址什麽的都發過來,這都晚上了沒見個字什麽態度啊,有時候覺得老美不如咱國人有禮貌呢,,
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