Some quick notes~

回答: Meet the Press with David Gregory (07/11/2010)EnLearner2010-07-11 15:16:41

· Fall short: 缺乏;不足;達不到(目標);不符合
· Weigh in: 參加; 介入(打架, 爭論等)
· Private sector jobs: In economics, the private sector is that part of the economy, which is run by private individuals or groups
· Containment of oil
· Revive the lagging economy: lagging 慢的, 落後的; 遲緩的
· Swing voters: 中間選民
· Referendum: (就某政治問題的)公民投票: Is it more truly democratic to hold a referendum?
· Unfurl : 展開, 張開, 鋪開(某物) : I'm not here to unfurl the " mission accomplished" banner
· Drive a car into a ditch
· Make the case: 為……提供有力理由
· Not at whims of wallstreet: 忽起的念頭, 一時的興致; 怪念頭; 任性
· Institute the policy that we know: Institute: 建立, 製定;
· Bear the brunt of this economic calamity: brunt衝擊 經濟災難衝擊
· Choke off any recovery : choke off 使窒息抑製
· Vociferous critics: 吵吵嚷嚷的批評家
· Economic boom ends in a bust: bust失敗
· Zero in on sth: 集中炮火; 注意力集中於某事、某物(in)
· An enemy battery zeroed in on the crossroad. 敵人炮兵集中炮火於那個十字路口。
· Put …in place : 把……放在合適的位置
· On the verge of: 接近於,瀕臨於
· espionage agent : espionage 諜報活動; 間諜行為
· Scale down
· Uphold exception: 堅持異常
· Unanimous: 全體一致的
· Do a reversal from the bash
· the strongest sanctions regime on Iran: 最強的製裁製度
· Means to ends: 目的的工具
· Contested seats: 競逐議席
· Showdown: 攤牌, 一決勝負
· Sappy: 感情用事 without sounding sappy聽起來不會感情用事
· Ward off: 避開,擋住
· Gun for the next election : gun for 追求, 竭力謀求
· Ominous music: 不吉的, 不祥的
· Slush fund: 賄賂基金
· Gaffe: 過失,出醜,失態
· Juxtaposition: 毗鄰,並置,並列
· Austerity program: austerity 簡樸, 樸素. 緊縮計劃
· Sundry: 各式各樣的, 種種的, 雜的 ; on sundry occasions 在各種不同的場合; sundry tax: 雜項稅收; cut the payroll tax at a sundry
· Gridlock: 堵塞
· Stagnant: 不流動的, 停滯的
· Bonafide spy: Bonafide誠意真誠


多謝天後分享,新周快樂。 -EnLearner- 給 EnLearner 發送悄悄話 EnLearner 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 07/12/2010 postreply 20:53:10
