雙語文摘:"Thriller" voted most influential pop video

雙語文摘:"Thriller" voted most influential pop video in poll (ZT)

Michael Jackson's video for his hit single "Thriller" has been voted the most influential in pop music history, according to the results of a poll released Monday.

The survey, commissioned by MySpace, interviewed more than 1,000 music fans. They made their choice from a long list of 20 videos selected by music and entertainment critics.

Thriller, credited with breaking down the boundaries between music and film making, garnered 15.2 percent of the votes, ahead of "Here It Goes Again," the 2006 internet hit featuring OK Go dancing on treadmills.

Britney Spears' song "Baby One More Time" came in third, followed by A-Ha's part-animated "Take On Me."

Following is the list of the top 10 most influential pop music videos:

1. Thriller/Michael Jackson/1983/15.2 percent

2. Here It Goes Again/OK Go/2006/11.7 percent

3. Baby One More Time/Britney Spears/1998/11.2 percent

4. Take On Me/A-Ha/1985/8.6 percent

5. Hurt /Johnny Cash /2003/7.6 percent

6. Bohemian Rhapsody/Queen/1975/5.6 percent

7. Around the World /Daft Punk/1997/5.4 percent

8. Weapon of Choice/Fatboy Slim/1999/4 percent

9. Sledgehammer/Peter Gabriel/1986/3.7 percent

10. Sabotage/Beastie Boys/1994/3.5 percent

傑克遜《顫栗》獲評最具影響力音樂電視作品 (ZT)



被譽為打破音樂和影視製作界限的MV作品《顫栗》獲得15.2%的選票,2006年的網絡熱門歌曲《又是如此》位居其後。在該作品中,你可以看到OK Go搖滾組合的成員在跑步機上一邊跳舞,一邊演唱。



1. 《顫栗》/ 邁克爾•傑克遜 / 1983年 / 15.2%

2. 《又是如此》/ OK Go樂隊 / 2006年/ 11.7%

3. 《寶貝再來一次》/ 布蘭妮•斯皮爾斯 / 1998 年/ 11.2%

4. 《接受我》/ 挪威組合A-Ha / 1985年/ 8.6%

5. 《傷害》/ 約翰尼•卡什 / 2003年/ 7.6%

6. 《波西米亞狂想曲》/ 皇後樂隊 / 1975年 / 5.6%

7. 《環遊世界》/ 法國電子樂隊Daft Punk(傻朋克)/ 1997年 / 5.4%

8. 《自選的武器》/ 英國電子樂隊Fatboy Slim(流線胖小子)/ 1999年 / 4%

9. 《長柄大錘》/ 彼得•蓋布瑞爾 / 1986年 / 3.7%

10. 《破壞》/ 野獸男孩樂隊 / 1994年 / 3.5%


garner: to obtain or collect something such as information, support, etc. 獲得,得到,收集(信息、支持等)


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