雙語文摘:Lady Gaga,Bill Clinton top Time's influence list

雙語文摘:Bill Clinton,etc top Time's influence list (ZT)

---"Time 100 is not about the influence of power but the power of influence."

---"Some of the people you'll encounter on this list are influential in the traditional sense," Time managing editor Richard Stengel says. "But we also seek out people whose ideas and actions are revolutionizing their fields and transforming lives."


Extravagantly outfitted singer Lady Gaga, former US president Bill Clinton and Brazil's leader Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva are the world's most influential people according to Time magazine's annual list.

The US weekly explains its sometimes surprising choices saying that the "Time 100 is not about the influence of power but the power of influence."

Lady Gaga, famous for bizarre costumes and chart-topping dance music, leads the list of most influential artists, leading US late-night TV host Conan O'Brien, Oscar winning director Kathryn Bigelow and daytime TV queen Oprah Winfrey.

Clinton, who has reinvented himself as a major fund-raiser and anti-poverty activist since leaving the White House, heads the "heroes" section, beating South Korean figure skater Kim Yu-Na and Iranian opposition leader Mir-Hossein Mousavi.

The "leaders" list starts with the Brazilian president, who is praised for his drive to bring social justice and end deep inequality in his huge Latin American country.

J.T. Wang, CEO of the Taiwanese PC maker Acer comes in at number two as a representative of the rise of Asian companies.

The top US military officer, Admiral Mike Mullen, is third, with President Barack Obama only in the fourth slot.

"Some of the people you'll encounter on this list are influential in the traditional sense," Time managing editor Richard Stengel says. "But we also seek out people whose ideas and actions are revolutionizing their fields and transforming lives."

美國《時代》雜誌年度最具影響力人物排行榜日前揭曉,以著裝風格大膽而著稱的美國女歌手Lady Gaga、美國前總統比爾•克林頓和巴西總統路易斯•伊納西奧•盧拉•達席爾瓦名列各板塊之首。


以奇裝異服和高居榜首的舞曲而著稱的美國當紅藝人Lady Gaga位居最具影響力藝人單元第一名,美國晚間電視節目主持人柯南•奧布萊恩、奧斯卡最佳導演獎獲得者凱瑟琳•畢格羅和日間脫口秀女王奧普拉•溫芙瑞位居其後。







figure skater:花樣滑冰運動員


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