寂寞 作者 吟遊的貓 寂寞是一粒種, 當你播下它時, 不是為了秋天的果實, 而是為了打發春天。 寂寞是一盞燈, 當你打開它時, 不是為了頭頂的光明, 而是為了瞧瞧是否停電。 寂寞是一塊錢, 當你取出它時, 不是為了商店裏的貨物, 而是為了摸摸它的兩麵。 寂寞是一首曲, 當你奏響它時, 不是為了優美的旋律, 而是為了看看共鳴的弦。 寂寞是一張信箋, 當你撫平它時, 不是為了寫一封信, 而是為了疊出紙裏的童年。 寂寞是一種信仰, 當你追隨它時, 不是為了今生的不見, 而是為了修得來生的緣。 ================== English: Loneliness by 吟遊的貓 Loneliness is a seed That You plant Not for the harvest in the fall But to kill the springtime Loneliness is a lamp That You turn on Not for seeing anything But to check if there is light Loneliness is a dollar bill That You take out Not for buying goodies But to feel the textures of both sides Loneliness is a song That You play Not for the beautiful tune But to see the harmony of the strings Loneliness is a letter You spread the old piece of paper Not for writing a mail But to fold it into the childhood you remember Loneliness is a belief That You run after Not for never meeting her this life But to cultivate for a destiny in the next life, together forever and ever.