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美語會話:旅行--坐飛機單元(二)(音頻文字)VOA (ZT)



Professor: In this first part, an airport security guard is telling Todd what to do before he goes through the metal detector and puts his bags through the x-ray machine.

Metal detector金屬探測器,我最討厭在機場過這個東西,每次都要脫鞋,解腰帶,煩死了!

Professor: Well I agree that it's annoying, but aren't you glad the metal detectors keep you safe?

這倒也是,Professor Bowman, 為了安全起見,我們隻好作些犧牲了。

Security guard: Excuse me sir! Please make sure to take off your shoes, jacket and belt and put them through the x-ray machine.

Todd: OK, just a moment ... Alright, there you go.

Security guard: Hmm ... the X-ray machine is showing some strange things in your bag. I'll have to search it.

Todd: Sure, go ahead. I don't have any dangerous items on me.

Professor Bowman, Todd說 "I don't have any dangerous items on me", 就是說自己身上沒有危險物品吧?

Professor: That's right. A policeman might ask if you have any weapons on you, or a friend might ask if you have any money on you that he could borrow.


Professor: I hope so too. Let's listen and find out.

Security guard: Sir! Have these bags been in your possession at all times?

Todd: Yes, I've had them in my sight since I packed them.

Security guard: I see ... (he looks through Todd's bag.) And what is this??? You didn't think you could get on the plane with such a dangerous item, did you?

Todd: It's just a bottle of water.

Security guard: Don't you know people can make bombs out of liquid? You can't take it on the plane.

Todd: Well, alright ... I didn't realize liquids aren't allowed on planes.

我還以為安檢人員在Todd包裏找到了什麽危險品呢,原來是一瓶水而已!不過,Professor Bowman, Todd說他的行李一直in his sight, 這是什麽意思啊?

Professor: It means he's watched the bags closely. You can also say that you won't let something out of your sight. For example, I promise I'll take good care of your children. I won't let them out of my sight.

Security guard: Do you have any other dangerous items in your carry-on bags?

Todd: I don't think so. What else is considered dangerous?

Security guard: Well, you can't have any toothpaste on you. People can make bombs that look like toothpaste too!

Todd: Well no, I don't have any toothpaste on me. I packed all of that in my checked bags.

等一下,Professor Bowman, carry-on bags和checked bags有什麽區別?

Professor: Carry-on bags are the bags that you carry onto the plane. Checked bags are those you hand over to the airlines before boarding a plane.

我明白了,carry-on bags就是隨身帶上飛機的行李,checked bags則是我們說的托運行李。

Professor: Exactly. The word "check" can also be a verb. For example, an airline worker might tell you that your bag is too big to carry on the plane, so you need to check it.

Security guard: Alright, I'm finished searching your belongings. You can go now.

Todd: Thanks. Can you tell me which way gate D27 is?

Security guard: Gate D27? Sorry, you're in the wrong terminal. This is Terminal 1. You have to go to Terminal 2.

Todd: Oh no ... You mean I have to go to Terminal 2 and go through the security check there again?

Security guard: That's right.

Todd: But that will take another hour! I might miss my flight!

Security guard: Too bad. Safety comes first!

Wrong terminal? 那就是走錯候機樓了?哎呀,Todd可真倒黴,居然走錯了候機樓,還要到別的候機樓再過一次安檢。不過,我看這個安檢人員並不在乎Todd會不會誤機。

Professor: That's right. You can say "too bad" whenever somebody tells you about their problem, but you don't really care.


Professor: Well, tune in next time to see if Todd will make the flight!

這次的美語三級跳就播送到這裏。美語三級跳節目取材於美國之音最新推出的美語教學強檔網站 goenglish.me 網址是:www.goenglish.me

Words and Phrases

1. Metal detector 金屬探測器

Aren't you glad the metal detectors keep you safe?

2. in one's sight

It means someone's watched something closely.

You can also say that you won't let something out of your sight.
For example, I promise I'll take good care of your children. I won't let them out of my sight.

3. carry-on bags 隨身帶上飛機的行李

Carry-on bags are the bags that you carry onto the plane.

4. checked bags 托運行李

Checked bags are those you hand over to the airlines before boarding a plane.

5. check
The word "check" can also be a verb.

For example, an airline worker might tell you that your bag is too big to carry on the plane, so you need to check it.

6. Wrong terminal 走錯候機樓

--Todd: Thanks. Can you tell me which way gate D27 is?
--Security guard: Gate D27? Sorry, you're in the wrong terminal. This is Terminal 1. You have to go to Terminal 2.
--Todd: Oh no ... You mean I have to go to Terminal 2 and go through the security check there again?
--Security guard: That's right.

7. I don't have any dangerous items on me.


我現在開始喜歡"三級跳"了。簡單實用,很實用。 -戲雨飛鷹- 給 戲雨飛鷹 發送悄悄話 戲雨飛鷹 的博客首頁 (85 bytes) () 04/15/2010 postreply 17:16:38

戲雨飛鷹,let us "三級跳", shall we? -婉蕠- 給 婉蕠 發送悄悄話 婉蕠 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 04/15/2010 postreply 17:30:54

sure, let us "三級跳":) -戲雨飛鷹- 給 戲雨飛鷹 發送悄悄話 戲雨飛鷹 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 04/15/2010 postreply 19:33:37
