Learn Real English Rule #7

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回答: What is Real English?北京二號2010-04-10 14:46:23

Hi, it’s AJ again and this is it: the final rule. Congratulations, you did it! You made it through all seven rules.
You have learned all of them. Today I’m going to talk about #7. Why is this one #7? Well, because I think
it’s the most powerful. Listening is the most important because it’s a very general rule and it’s the one that
you must, must, must do. But this one, this technique, Rule #7, is really the most powerful. It’s the most
powerful way to improve quickly…your speaking, your vocabulary, your grammar…everything improves very
fast when you follow Rule #7. So let’s talk about it. What is it?

Rule #7 is use, listen and answer mini-stories. So what is that, okay? Listen and answer mini-stories,
probably you have never heard these before because in most normal schools, certainly in most textbooks, in
most CD programs or audio programs, most of them do not use listen and answer lessons, listen and answer
stories. Yet these are the most powerful way to learn English quickly, easily and automatically. These are
the most powerful lessons I know. And we tried a lot. We looked for a long time for many years trying to find
the best way to teach English. And we found this technique and since using this technique our students are
so happy because they really improve. They really learn to speak and understand quickly, easily and
automatically. So I love this rule, Rule #7, it’s my favorite.

So a listen and answer story is a special way to teach English and learn English. So let me talk about what is
it. Well, the beginning part is very important. Listen and answer…if you think about a real conversation, what
happens in a real conversation? Well, usually we have a lot of questions and a lot of answers, right? It’s not
just one person talking, talking, talking and another one sitting listening. Usually it’s back and forth, back and
forth, one person talks and then maybe asks a question and then the other person understands, answers the
questions, talks some more and then maybe asks another question. And then it’s back and forth, back and
forth, questions and answers, questions and answers. Talking, questions, answering, talking, questions,
answering…this is natural speech. Happens all the time.

Another important thing, when we hear a question our brain wakes up. It becomes more alive. Why?
Because a question is not passive. When you hear a question you must do something, right? Your brain has
to think in English, understand the question and then answer in English. So this is also very important. It
means it’s very active. It’s an active way to learn. Your brain works faster and learns much faster when we
use a lot of questions, questions, questions. So that’s why we use these stories.

Here’s how it works. In a story the teacher will ask the story. I did not say tell the story, right? Usually a
normal story, somebody tells the story. They just talk and talk and talk and you listen, listen, listen. Or if
you’re watching a movie, you’re watching TV, you’re just sitting and listening. Hmm…hmm…that’s okay.

You do need to do that a lot. But we do something different with listen and answer stories. We ask a story.
In other words, we ask a lot of questions, questions, questions. We do this because you must think in
English. This is what we teach you to do with these questions. We’re teaching you to constantly and quickly
think in English.

So what we do is we use very, very easy questions. This is also important. If we use difficult questions, what
will happen? Well, you will think and everything will be very slow. You’ll think slowly. Probably you will think
in your language, right? You will translate then you’ll think in your language. Then you’ll think of an answer
in your language. Then you’ll translate back to English. It’s all very slow. So in these special stories we ask
a lot of questions. We ask fast questions. But they’re very, very easy. They’re easy so you can understand
instantly, very, very fast, and then your job as the student is to answer very quickly. Speed is the most
important part of these stories.

And when you answer, you use only one word or two words, usually. These are very, very short answers.

You don’t need to answer a big long sentence. You’re not trying to think about grammar. You’re not thinking
about anything. You’re teaching your brain to understand English very quickly and instantly give an answer.

Instantly speak…understand quickly, speak quickly. That’s what we are teaching you with these special
stories, by asking these questions.

Let me give you a very short and a very, very easy simple example. Now in our normal stories, it’s usually
faster and more difficult and certainly longer, but this is just an example. So I might say, I’m telling you a
story, and I say: In this story there is a boy.

Then I ask a question very fast: Is there a boy?

Your job as the student, you say: Yes.

Right? Very easy. I just told you there’s a boy then I ask you: Is there a boy?

So of course you understand very fast and you answer very, very fast. You shout: Yes!

And I say: Is there a boy or is there a girl?

You shout: Boy!

Again, it’s so fast and so easy. You don’t need to think. You don’t need to think in your language. You can
think immediately in English. You can understand immediately in English. You can answer quickly with one
or two words immediately in English.

I say: Yes, that’s right. There is a boy.

And then I say: In fact, the boy’s name is John.

Okay. I say: What is his name?

You shout: John!

I say: Is John a boy or a girl?

You shout: Boy!

I say: Is there a boy?

You say: Yes!

This is it. This is the basic technique. I continue more and more and more. And I, every time a little bit, I add
something more.

John goes to a store. Where does he go?

You say: A store!

I say: Does he go to Japan?

You say: No!

I say: Where does he go?

You say: A store!

And then I say: Who goes to the store?

You shout: John! Or maybe you shout: A boy.

They’re both correct. And then I just continue this story with a lot of questions. Questions, questions,
questions, questions…and more questions…so many questions. And they’re very easy and very fast. And
you listening to these stories, you hear the question, you shout an answer immediately. You hear this easy
question, you shout the answer. So it’s just question-answer question-answer question-answer, it’s all very,
very fast and very easy.

What are we doing? We are teaching you to think in English and we’re teaching you to speak English very
fast with no thinking.

So these rules seem very, very simple, right? Well, you know what? Most of these rules are very simple.
But they’re very, very powerful, especially when you use all of them. Well, this one is super powerful. It’s
simple. It’s a very simple teaching technique. But man, this thing is powerful, especially when you use it for
one month or three months, six months, eight months. You will be amazed at how much you improve. Your
speaking will get so, so fast and you will begin to think in English. And then after a few more months thinking
more and more in English. Until suddenly, after maybe six months…I don’t know, maybe eight months,
everybody’s a little different…you will find that you understand quickly and instantly and you just speak.
There’s no more thinking. No more translating. Just, you hear and you speak, you hear and you speak. It’s
amazing and it feels great. That’s the power of Rule #7.

So how can you use this? Well, show this video to a native speaker, to an American, a Canadian, a British
person. You can find somebody in your little town, I’m sure, or your big city. And show them this video. Ask
them to make some stories like this. Then you record them. Later, you can listen to that story again and
again. Every time you hear a question you shout the answer. Very simple, very easy, okay?

Alright, well guess what. Now you are finished. That’s it. You are finished with the 7 rules course. Yay! You
should celebrate. So what do you do now? Well number one, you should review all of the rules. Watch all of
the videos again so that you remember all of them. And then use them every day when you study English,
when you learn English. Just doing that, that’s free, that is easy. You will improve so much.

Now also, of course, we do have lessons. We made some Learn Real English lessons and these are really
fantastic. And this is a very easy and convenient way to use all of the 7 rules. When you get our lessons you
get this whole group of lessons that are very organized. All the lessons have these listen and answer stories,
every one of them. They all have those grammar point of view stories. They all have vocabulary lessons that
teach you phrases. They are all audio so you’re going to be listening, listening, listening. We use all 7 rules
in all of our lessons. And so they’re very powerful.

I’m not trying to sell you a bunch of lessons. You can use these 7 rules at home, yourself, and you don’t
need to get our rules, you don’t need to get our lessons, I’m sorry. But if you want to, if you want a very
convenient, fast, powerful way to keep going, to continue, then yes, I do recommend that you get our Learn
Real English lessons.

Now as some of you know, you’ve been reading our e-mails, we have been very busy. We’ve been very
shocked and surprised, in a good way, I mean we’re happy. But also we’re getting so many e-mails now, so
many comments, so many people wanting our lessons. It’s been, it’s been overwhelming. It’s been really a
lot of work. And so we made a very difficult decision.

We decided to limit the number of people who can get our lessons. We must do this. I mean, to do a good
job, to have a lot of energy, to be happy and smiling and love what we’re doing, we must limit the number of
lessons we sell. We have over half a million people waiting for these lessons. And that’s just too many
people. I’m sorry but we’re only three people and we just cannot directly teach more than five million, five
hundred thousand people, I’m sorry…half a million people. So we are limiting the amount that we are selling.

So, if you don’t want our lessons, no problem. Use these 7 rules at home. You can do it. You can find some
teacher or tutor and they can help you with some of this. So, no worries, that’s great. But if you do want
these lessons, if you think, “Wow, these lessons will help me. This is what I need, this is what I want,” that’s
great. But you need to really decide and you need to do something now. Because these lessons are selling
very, very fast and we must limit them. So, you know, just decide fast. If you don’t want them, no problem.
Use the 7 rules. Good luck to you.

If you do want our lessons, if you think they’re going to help you, you really need to decide right now and
make a quick decision. Do what you need to do. And you can read below. You can read more about the
lessons below. Read the text. You can read all about them. And then you can click that big yellow button
that says “Get the Lessons Now.” So if you don’t want them, no problem. But if you think you do, please
decide fast before they’re all gone.

Alright? Thank you so much for letting us teach you. Thank you for being a part of the 7 rules. We have
really enjoyed teaching the 7 rules to you. We’ll see you again and if you join our lessons, if you get our
lessons, we’ll see you on the member forums and we will continue teaching you. So see you again. Have a
great day and good luck with your English learning. Bye bye.


粗略的看了一遍,真不錯!過幾天再好好學習一遍! -小千...千與千尋- 給 小千...千與千尋 發送悄悄話 小千...千與千尋 的博客首頁 (10 bytes) () 04/10/2010 postreply 18:30:25

Iron rod fan, you deserve this rod:) -走馬讀人- 給 走馬讀人 發送悄悄話 走馬讀人 的博客首頁 (737 bytes) () 04/11/2010 postreply 10:58:23

我在潛水呢!!讓我回帖先敲門~ :)) -小千...千與千尋- 給 小千...千與千尋 發送悄悄話 小千...千與千尋 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 04/11/2010 postreply 20:20:34
