Learn Real English Rule #4

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回答: What is Real English?北京二號2010-04-10 14:46:23

Hi, this is AJ. Welcome back again for Day 4, Rule #4 for speaking excellent English. Now Rule #4 is
important. In fact, they’re all important, of course they are. But this one is also very important and very, very
different. Very different from what you learned in your normal schools and your normal textbooks. Rule #4 is
learn deeply.

So let me talk about, what do I mean by deeply? Well, it’s, you know if you think about the ocean, or the sea,
the water, right? We have shallow water which is just at the top. But then we have very deep water. It
means it goes down, down, down, down, down, down very far. So what do we mean by learn deeply? Well,
imagine that your head, imagine your brain is the ocean. And we want the English to go in all the way. We
want the English to go in deep, deep, deep into your brain, right? We want it to be a part of you. Just like
your native language, your normal language that you speak since you were a baby…that you have been
speaking since you were a baby.

So that’s deep learning. Deep learning is the key to automatic speaking. So when I say automatic speaking,
I mean speaking English without thinking. No translating. No thinking about grammar rules. You just speak.
It comes out easily. No thinking. No trying. You don’t need to try, right? When you speak your language,
you don’t need to try. It doesn’t feel difficult. It feels super super easy. You want to say something, you say
it. There’s no translating. There’s no thought.

Well that’s what you want with English. Well the key to that, the key to that automatic speaking, is deep
learning. And the problem is in school and with textbooks, you learned the opposite way. You learned a lot
of things, right, in your textbooks. A lot of vocabulary words. A lot of grammar rules. So you learned them
but you learned them very fast. And so you don’t really remember them well.

Maybe you say that you know grammar. Maybe you say that you know these words. But do you really know
them? Because when I say know, I mean you know it but you can also use it quickly, easily and
automatically. Can you use all of your English grammar without thinking? Do you know the vocabulary so
well that it comes out of your mouth automatically? Again, no thinking. No translating. No stopping to think.
No pausing when you speak. No strange breaks.

So if you have those problems, it’s okay. It’s normal because you learned in school. And what happen in
school with textbooks? They usually go very fast, right? Chapter One…and then a few days later, Chapter
Two. And those chapters have so many new words. And a lot of new grammar. There’s so much in one
chapter of a textbook. It is a lot of information. If you’re lucky you do one chapter in a week and then boom,
on to Chapter Two the next week. And then the next week another one, and another one, and another one.
And you’re going very, very fast. And a lot of students think “Oh, I’m learning so fast. This is great.”

The problem is you’re not really learning it. You’re certainly not learning it deeply. That’s why you take a test,
you get a good score, but when you try to really speak…to an American, a Canadian, a British person…you
can’t do it. Or you do it but it sounds bad. That’s because you did not learn deeply.

So you don’t want that. You want automatic speaking. How do you learn deeply? Well, again, it’s very
simple. But again, very powerful. Learning deeply really means repeating a lot. So in our system you learn
one lesson set, the same lesson set for at least one week. And our lesson sets, they’re not like textbook
chapters. You don’t have 50 new words in them, okay? You have one conversation or piece of a
conversation. And then you’ve got a mini-story lesson, which we’ll talk about later. But again, it’s just another
kind of lesson. And then you learn the same words and phrases in that. And you have a vocabulary lesson
and you learn the same ones in that again. We are repeating, repeating, repeating, repeating the same stuff
all the time. We do it in different ways so that you’re not bored. You won’t be bored because you get the
same information but in many different situations, in different kinds of lessons in different ways. And you
need a lot of repetition.

We have again read a lot of research about this. For example, when you see a new word or a new phrase,
how many times do you need to hear it and understand it before you will remember it and can use it? How
many times do you think, normally? Twenty maybe? Ten? Well the answer is actually 30 or more. Thirty, at
least 30 times. That’s for an American, me! If I’m reading a book and I see a new word, a new English word,
I actually need to see that word about 30 times and basically understand it, right, because I understand
everything else. I can guess the meaning. Well, 30 times before I really know it deeply and can use it

Now for you, English is not your first language. You probably need 50 times or 100 times. So now maybe
you see one of the problems with schools and textbooks. Probably you did not repeat all that grammar, all
those vocabulary words and phrases, you didn’t repeat them enough. And when I say repeat, I don’t mean
studying some list in a book. I mean hearing it, listening, hearing it and then understanding it correctly. And
then you need to hear it again and understand and hear it again and again and again and again and again. It
goes deeper, deeper, deeper until finally one day it’s automatic.

It happens very suddenly. In the beginning you feel like nothing is happening, right? You’re listening, you’re
listening, you know listening was one of our big important rules, probably the most important. But you need
this one also. It’s not just listening. It’s deep listening. It’s deep learning so that you’re hearing again, again,
again, again, again. So after the first 20 times you still feel like, “Well, nothing’s happening. You know I
understand but my speaking is the same.” It’s because you need deeper learning.

So what we find is that with our members who succeed, and most of them do, they need this deep learning.
So if nothing’s happening, nothing’s happening, nothing…nothing, nothing…suddenly boom! One day the
words come out automatically. It’s amazing. It’s a great feeling. So that’s what you want. You need deep
learning. You need to repeat. Everything you listen to you must repeat it again and again and again. Every
day for at least 7 days, more is better.

So that’s it. Again a very simple rule and a very powerful rule. That’s Rule #4, learn deeply. Alright I will see
you later. Bye bye
