
來源: veggiedoggie 2010-04-06 20:54:15 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1335 bytes)
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我不長進我知道,沉痛地討罵中,I am all ears,hiahia

U.S. Delays Report On China's Currency

NPR's business news starts with questions over currency manipulation in China.

The United States is delaying the release of its semiannual report to Congress on the currency policies of China and some other countries. The report could declare that China is manipulating its currency. On Saturday, the Treasury secretary of the United States, Timothy Geithner, did issue his own statement. He said China is relying on currency intervention, as he called it, and must move toward what he called a more market-oriented exchange rate.

By putting off publication of this report, analysts say the U.S. is giving China a little bit of room to let its currency slide a little bit more in line with the market. Of course, this affects the prices of Chinese exports and imports, and affects trade balances between the two countries.


你是職壇的名人, -laughs- 給 laughs 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 04/06/2010 postreply 21:03:57

您是說,我是那兒的禍害吧?hiahia,弄得我挺害差的 -veggiedoggie- 給 veggiedoggie 發送悄悄話 veggiedoggie 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 04/06/2010 postreply 21:05:56

Good job, Veggie -selfselfself- 給 selfselfself 發送悄悄話 selfselfself 的博客首頁 (60 bytes) () 04/06/2010 postreply 21:34:20

師傅,展開談談,展開談談 -veggiedoggie- 給 veggiedoggie 發送悄悄話 veggiedoggie 的博客首頁 (36 bytes) () 04/06/2010 postreply 21:36:23

頂你!讀的好純正。 -北京二號- 給 北京二號 發送悄悄話 北京二號 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 04/06/2010 postreply 23:12:08

回複:頂你!讀的好純正。 -veggiedoggie- 給 veggiedoggie 發送悄悄話 veggiedoggie 的博客首頁 (156 bytes) () 04/07/2010 postreply 07:04:35

回複:回複:頂你!讀的好純正。 -北京二號- 給 北京二號 發送悄悄話 北京二號 的博客首頁 (210 bytes) () 04/07/2010 postreply 07:34:13

菜菜好~二姐就是深水炸彈,在國內補養的還好,一回來就狂轟美潭 -小千...千與千尋- 給 小千...千與千尋 發送悄悄話 小千...千與千尋 的博客首頁 (384 bytes) () 04/07/2010 postreply 06:00:54

哇,hug你一個,你真是教了我一條黃金定律噢 -veggiedoggie- 給 veggiedoggie 發送悄悄話 veggiedoggie 的博客首頁 (151 bytes) () 04/07/2010 postreply 06:54:56

還羅嗦啥呀,傳俺懿旨,立馬把這禍害綁了,送任國台辦宣傳部對敵廣播處首席主播 -lilac09- 給 lilac09 發送悄悄話 lilac09 的博客首頁 (148 bytes) () 04/07/2010 postreply 06:46:58

haha,姐,我對trAde的/ei/,congrEss的/e/一貫瞎念,很難改啊:( -veggiedoggie- 給 veggiedoggie 發送悄悄話 veggiedoggie 的博客首頁 (98 bytes) () 04/07/2010 postreply 06:51:30

很難改啊, 要不讓你師傅跟你對對口型,活埋就免了哈~~hiahia -lilac09- 給 lilac09 發送悄悄話 lilac09 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 04/07/2010 postreply 07:01:38

謝謝veggie朗讀NPR's business news.語感很好,聲音柔和悅耳. -婉蕠- 給 婉蕠 發送悄悄話 婉蕠 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 04/07/2010 postreply 10:37:50



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