英譯:《牽手》歌詞 -- Holding Your Hand

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英譯:《牽手》歌詞 -- Holding Your Hand

《牽手》歌詞/Lyric of Holding Your Hand

Writer: Unknown to Translator
Translator: Star-Night, the English Forum of WXC

因為愛著你的愛 因為夢著你的夢
所以悲傷著你的悲傷 幸福著你的幸福
因為路過你的路 因為苦過你的苦
所以快樂著你的快樂 追逐著你的追逐

Loving what you love, and dreaming what you dream,
I am sad for your sadness, and happy with your happiness.
Going along where you passed, and suffering from your plight,
I enjoy your joy, and chase what you chased.

因為誓言不敢聽 因為承諾不敢信
所以放心著你的沈默 去說服明天的命運
沒有風雨躲得過 沒有坎坷不必走
所以安心地牽你的手 不去想該不該回頭

Distrusting the oath, and doubting the promise,
I have no worry about your silence, while persuading my fate of tomorrow.
There is no way to avoid wind and rain, or the rough road,
I hold your hands with peace of mind, without thinking of turning back.

也許牽了手的手 前生不一定好走
也許有了伴的路 今生還要更忙碌
所以牽了手的手 來生還要一起走
所以有了伴的路 沒有歲月可回頭

Maybe just because holding your hand, my last life was miserable;
Perhaps my life is busy simply due to your companion.
Therefore, with my hand in yours, I will be with you for my next life again.
Therefore, there is no way back on my journey with you as a companion.

所以有了伴的路 沒有歲月可回頭

Therefore, there is no way back on my journey with you as a companion.


excellent,star! i like it. i have questions to ask, -戲雨飛鷹- 給 戲雨飛鷹 發送悄悄話 戲雨飛鷹 的博客首頁 (13 bytes) () 03/02/2010 postreply 13:24:19

歌曲視頻:牽手 -婉蕠- 給 婉蕠 發送悄悄話 婉蕠 的博客首頁 (614 bytes) () 03/02/2010 postreply 13:51:10

回複:英譯:《牽手》歌詞 -- Holding Your Hand -楓葉晨林- 給 楓葉晨林 發送悄悄話 (88 bytes) () 03/02/2010 postreply 14:47:00
