The Legendary (During 2010 Chinese Spring Festival Celebration)

Composer: Li Jian

Lyrics: Liu Bing

Singer: Wang Fei

Stage Designer: Wang Bin


Only because in the crowd, have once spotted you

can never forget how you look

dreaming, by a chance, one day, we'll meet again

since then, i started thinking of you, alone

While, thinking of you, you are far over sky

while, thinking of you, you are right here, in front of me

while, thinking of you, you are inside of my mind

while, thinking of you, you are in the middle of my heart

would rather believe we are fated from carnations of many lives in the past

this life's love story, would never have been, once again altered

would rather use this entire life time waiting to be found by you

i have always been on your side, never have walked away


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