
本文內容已被 [ 小千...千與千尋 ] 在 2010-01-17 03:27:20 編輯過。如有問題,請報告版主或論壇管理刪除.

4: Which of the following would be the most appropriate to use in a business environment? 'Mrs Smith will be a few minutes, __________.'
The possible answers were:
sit down
please take a seat
take a pew
take the weight of your feet
I know the correct answer supposed to be "please take a seat", but this "take the weight of your feet" should be: take the weight off your feet~ I think it's a typo.
'cause we always say: take the weight off your back or off your shoulder as well...:)

Same question, "Mrs.Smith will be a few minutes." Here I'm not 100% sure wehter I'm right or not. It sounds more like a slang slang. This saying is very rare...better to say "someone will be here (in) a few minutes".

Because Canadian English and American English are not always same...welcome to discuss...and good for me to learn :)



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