回複:回複:學習交流:Five Ways to Improve English(美語聽力)

來源: 婉蕠 2010-01-14 06:56:46 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (534 bytes)
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As mentioned in the article:

1. Children's books are simple and direct. It has lots of pictures.

2. There are all levels of chilren's books.

As LIDA BAKER said: "If you were a total beginner in English, you start with books that have just a few words on the page and lots of pictures, and you can work your way up to books that have relatively speaking more text and fewer illustrations."

3. "Children's books are very motivating."

That is my cent's worth. For your reference only.



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