地道美語:問候朋友 (二)(美語聽力)

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地道美語:問候朋友 (一)(美語聽力)ZT

地道美語:問候朋友 (二)(美語聽力)ZT


Professor: Winnie, in this first part listen for the phrase "to catch up," which means "to talk with someone about what you have been doing."

Lawrence: Wow Jen, it's so cool that we ran into each other on the street. I'm really interested to hear how you've been for the past year.

Jen: I know! It's really great that we have a chance to catch up. How have you been?

Lawrence: I've been well. I'm having trouble finding a job, but at least my social life is pretty good.

Jen: See, I'm the opposite. I have a great job and a nice apartment, but my social life is terrible.

Professor: So Winnie, who has a better social life, Lawrence or Jen?

要說"SOCIAL LIFE", 社交生活,那Lawrence就比Jen強多了。Lawrence說,他雖然找不到工作,但是 has a great social life. Jen則正相反,她有好工作,公寓很稱心,可是她的社交生活 terrible--糟透了!

Professor: That's right. If, like Jen, you never have a chance to go out to parties and have fun, you can also say, "I have no life." For example, "During exams I have no life because I have to study all day."

哦,"I have no life," 就是說沒機會去參加派對、不能出去玩兒。Jen的生活怎麽會這麽沒意思呢?

Lawrence: Why is your social life so terrible? I remember that you used to go out and have fun all the time.

Jen: I know! But now I'm in medical school so I have to study all the time. My love life is a disaster too.

Lawrence: You know, I have a friend who you might like. I think you two would make a really great couple.

Jen: Hmm.... come on Lawrence, what's wrong with him? If he was such a catch, he wouldn't be single.

哇,Jen一邊上班一邊還在念醫學院! 難怪她沒時間去認識男孩子,感情生活一片空白。

Professor: Exactly. But what does Lawrence offer to do?

Lawrence說要給她做媒! 不過Professor, Jen好像不太願意,她剛才說的"catch",是什麽意思?

Professor: A catch is a really great boyfriend or girlfriend. For example, "Joseph's girlfriend is beautiful, rich and really funny. Where did he ever find a great catch like that?"

哦,原來catch就是完美的情人! Jen覺得,如果Lawrence的朋友真像他說得那麽好,還不早就被別的女孩兒搶走了!

Lawrence: No, he's a really great guy, and he's just your type. Trust me.

Jen: Well, what does he look like? Describe him.

Lawrence: He's pretty tall and has brown hair. Some people say he looks like Brad Pitt.

Jen: Uh .... Brad Pitt is almost 50, and I don't have a thing for old guys.

Lawrence: Oh come on, stop being so superficial. You'll love his personality. He's really smart and has a great sense of humor.

Jen: Well alright, I'll give him a chance.

Professor Bowman, Jen 說"I don't have a thing for old guys",這是什麽意思?

Professor: If you "have a thing" for something, it means you really like it. Jen says she doesn't have a thing for older guys, like Brad Pitt, meaning she doesn't want an older guy to be her boyfriend.

啊?Jen也太挑剔了! Lawrence說自己的朋友長得像布拉德·皮特,她居然嫌皮特老!說自己不要老男人! 難怪Lawrence說Jen is being superficial! 就是膚淺,隻看外表。 不過,注重外表也沒有錯,男人不是也希望找漂亮的女朋友嘛!

Lawrence: Great! I'll call him and tell him. But first I need to take a picture of you.

Jen: What? Why do you need to take a picture of me?

Lawrence: Well of course I need to show my friend your picture to convince him to go on a date with you.

Jen: Oh come on! Why is this guy so superficial?

Lawrence: See, I knew that you two would have something in common!

哈! Lawrence說,自己的朋友和 Jen "have something in common" --- 有共同之處,那就是倆人superficial! 呃...在這個基礎上能產生愛情麽?

Professor: Well, listen next time to find out!

這次的美語三級跳就播送到這裏。美語三級跳節目取材於美國之音最新推出的美語教學強檔網站 goenglish.me 網址是:www.goenglish.me


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