流行美語:Obliterated & Smashed (美語聽力)

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流行美語:Obliterated & Smashed (美語聽力)ZT


(Party NAT)

LL: Look at that guy over there. He is obliterated.

LH: 等等Larry, obliterated是什麽意思?

LL: Yeah, you know Obliterated: smashed, trashed, blotto, three sheets to the wind.

LH: What? 你怎麽越說我越糊塗了!

LL: That guy is drunk, Li Hua.

LH: 哦,我知道了。Obliterated, 就是喝醉的意思。可那人好象一晚上都在喝蘋果汁啊?

LL: I'm pretty sure that is alcoholic cider.

LH: 你是說那裏麵攙酒了?你肯定嗎?

(Drunken Male Voice): I'm OK!

LL: I'd venture to say yes, that guy is obliterated.

LH: 他怎麽會醉成這個樣子呢?

LL: Well it is the holidays.

LH: 他最好不是開車來的。

LL: I hope not. You can get in a lot of trouble if you drive while you're obliterated, and at Christmas time, there's sure to be tons of police on the streets.

LH: 就他現在這樣,恐怕連車鑰匙都找不到了,所以不用擔心。

LL: This is a pretty raucous party. I'd say a lot of people look like they are en route to becoming obliterated.

LH: 是啊,這麽熱鬧的聖誕晚會,想必最後不會有幾個人是清醒的。

LL: Yeah, I'd say that's fair assessment.

LH: 說到這兒,今天晚上你好象一直在喝蛋酒嘛!

LL: And that is why I took the metro here.

LH: Larry, 你臉紅極了。You are obliterated.

LL: I'm NOT obliterated, but I do feel very cheerful.

LH: 看你現在的臉色,換身衣服就是聖誕老人!

LL: (Imitating Santa) Merry Christmas. HO HO HO. So what do you say, should we hang around here and get progressively obliterated, or head out and see where the night takes us?

LH: 我無所謂,走也行,不走也行。不過,我可要警告你,如果繼續待下去,用不了多久,你可能就跟那個人差不多了。

LL: Very funny, Lihua. Well how about we hang around a bit more and then decide what to do?

LH: 好,那就再待一會兒。



LH: Larry, 你看,好多人都喝多了。

LL: Yeah, everyone's smashed.

LH: 一點沒錯。不管認不認識,所有人都在相互碰杯,用不了多久,杯子一定會碎。

LL: What? No. Smashed is just another word for drunk.

LH: 真的嗎?Smashed也是喝醉的意思?原來喝醉酒有這麽多種說法。

LL: Speaking of which, I think you might be a little bit smashed.

LH: 我?怎麽可能!你才醉了呢!You're the smashed one.

LL: You are quite mistaken. I never overdo it at parties. I am always the designated driver.

LH: 你敢說自己一點兒沒醉?

LL: No at all. I am completely sober.

LH: Hmm. 那好吧,不過,這兒除了咱倆兒,恐怕真沒幾個清醒的了。

LL: That is completely correct. I guess everyone decided to go crazy at Christmas time. That's why everyone is so smashed at this party tonight.

LH: I on the other hand...

LL: Are, in fact, smashed?

LH: 醉?我真的沒醉。要不,趁咱們還清醒,撤吧?我怎麽覺得頭有點兒暈,房子有點兒轉啊?

LL: I thought you weren't smashed. Haha. So you want to head out of here?

LH: 我好象真有點兒不行了。

LL: OK. Let me find my coat.

今天李華學了兩個常用語。一個是Obliterated和smashed, 兩個都是喝醉了的意思。


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