職場美語:Asking for a raise (2)(美語聽力)

來源: 婉蕠 2010-01-07 06:13:18 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (2746 bytes)
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職場美語:Asking for a raise (2)(美語聽力)ZT


I can present quite a bit of hard data to demonstrate my usefulness to the company.

K: That's great! Then you have to figure out what a fair salary is for your position and your responsibilities. How long have you worked there?

A:This would be the third year.

K: Three years? Then your boss should be expecting you to ask for a raise. You can check online and find out what typical salaries for your position are.


From the research I've done, I'm pretty sure others are making about 15% more than I am.

K: OK, so there is your target. A minimum 15% raise.

I'm still a little hesitant to go tooting my own horn and demanding higher pay...it's just not my style.

K: Well...as the old saying goes, "Ask and you will receive." You have to give it a shot. I'd recommend you ask for a 20% increase, that way there's a little wiggle room for both of you to negotiate.

Anita說,自己的工資比市價低15%。但她還是很猶豫。I'm still a little hesitant to go tooting my own horn. Toot one's own horn。 Kim勸Anita, you have to give it a shot. give it a shot, 試試看。她還建議Anita要求增加20%的工資,留下討價還價的餘地,wiggle room。 Wiggle room回旋餘地。

But what if they say no?

K: Well, you have several options. Option one: you say, "If not now, when will you consider giving me a raise?" If they say, "next year" you can consider waiting.

And option two?

K: You tell them how much you like working for them and how much you value your job. But then you tell them that you will have to consider looking for a new position if you can't come to some agreement on salary issues.

老板要說不,怎麽辦?Kim說,有兩種選擇。Two options. 第一是問那要等到什麽時候,如果是明年,可以考慮等;第二是告訴他們,雖然很喜歡這裏的工作,但是,如果在工資上談不攏,就要另謀差事。

So it's sweetness first, then ultimatums?

K: You said it. But just make sure you can really make good on your threat if you need to.

Thanks for the pep talk, Kim. I'm going to ask for a raise on Monday!

K: You go girl!

先軟後硬,so it's sweetness first, then ultimatums。Anita謝謝Kim的Pep talk鼓勵,決定星期一去找老板談。


職場美語:Asking for a raise (1)(美語聽力) -婉蕠- 給 婉蕠 發送悄悄話 婉蕠 的博客首頁 (2843 bytes) () 01/07/2010 postreply 06:15:00



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