地道英語:Kick Off 開始 (英語聽力)

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What time does the match kick off?

地道英語:Kick Off 開始 (英語聽力) ZT

(Sound of a whistle blowing)

Yang Li: 球迷們,我們今天的地道英語肯定合你們的胃口。 I’m Yang Li.

Diarmuid: And I’m Diarmuid. Our phrase for the day has its origins in football, but now it’s used much more widely.

Yang Li: 說到足球, 比賽開始的那一瞬間就叫做 kick off.

Diarmuid: Yes, it can also be used as a verb. For example, today’s game is going to kick off at 3 o’clock, which means it’s going to start at 3pm. Simple.

Yang Li: Simple. So you said the phrase can also be used outside football?

Diarmuid: Yes, it can also be used when talking about other events starting, such as meetings, concerts or parties.



A: When does the meeting start?

B: We’re going to kick off at 14.30.

C: What’s the plan for tonight?

D: Well I thought we could kick off around eight with some drinks at my place, then go on to a pub.


Yang Li: So are you a football fan, Derm?

Diarmuid: Yes, I like watching it but I’m not much good at playing. I’ve got two left feet.

Yang Li: Really? Derm 說他自己有兩隻左腳意思就是他手腳協調很差,笨手笨腳的。 Well I like watching it too, as long as the players are cute!

Diarmuid: Hmm, any favourites?

Yang Li: That would be telling!

Diarmuid: Well, I’m sure our listeners will hear this phrase ‘to kick off’ a lot; it really is common in spoken English.

Yang Li: 所以說大家也要豎起耳朵,因為在英語裏會經常聽到這個詞 kick off. 別忘了在我們的網站上大家可以學到更多的地道英語。我們的網址是:

Diarmuid: www.bbcukchina.com

Yang Li: 不過現在不是 kick off 的時候, 我們的節目就要結束了,到了最後時間了,最後吹哨。

Diarmuid: The final whistle.

(Sound of a whistle blowing and the crowd cheering)

The term 'kick off' can also refer to the start of a meeting or an event


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