地道英語:Cool 酷的其他含義和用法 (英語聽力)

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Diarmuid and Li are cool with everything today!

地道英語:Cool 酷的其他含義和用法 (英語聽力) ZT

Yang Li: 大家好,我是 Yang Li. 歡迎收聽BBC 地道英語節目。

Diarmuid: And I’m Diarmuid. Yes this is the programme where we introduce the latest English expressions.

Yang Li: So what’s the word for today?

Diarmuid: Our hot, new word for today is: cool.

Yang Li: Cool?

Diarmuid: Yes, cool.

Yang Li: But that’s not new, it’s been around for ages. 大家都知道 cool 這個詞兒,這根本不是新詞! Let’s do another word.

Diarmuid: Ok, I’m cool with that.

Yang Li: Aha, I see! 原來 Diarmuid 把 cool 的用法變了變。在英語裏 cool with something 的意思就是沒問題。 Are you happy with my explanation, Diarmuid?

Diarmuid: Yes, I’m cool with it.

Diarmuid and Li are cool with everything today!
Yang Li: Great. So shall we move on to the examples?

Diarmuid: Yeah, that’s cool.

Yang Li: 和 I’m cool with that 意思和用法類似的另一個表達是 that’s cool. 如果有誰提了個好建議,你也覺得很好,願意參加,那麽你就可以說 that’s cool. Sorry to delay the programme with another explanation.

Diarmuid: Seriously, that’s cool. No problem.

Yang Li: Are you doing this deliberately? Diarmuid 把 that’s cool 重新又說了一遍,但是這次的用法和意思又不一樣了。這次是在我抱歉以後,他說 that’s cool 意思是沒關係,沒問題。 Right, examples.

Diarmuid: Cool.



A: Are you sure you can lift all those heavy bags?

B: Don’t worry, it’s cool. I consider it a form of exercise.

A: I’m really sorry I spilled your beer.

B: That’s cool. It was almost finished anyway.

A: No seriously, I’m so sorry. Wait here and I’ll get you another?

B: Cool, yeah. Thanks. I’m cool with that.


Diarmuid: So Li, I guess that’s the end of the programme. Would you mind reading our web address?

Yang Li: Yes, cool. That’s www.bbcukchina.com.

Diarmuid: Cool, thanks.

Yang Li: Aha, can you stop saying cool now?

Diarmuid: Yeah, that’s coo… that’s fine. Phew.

Yang Li: Bye.

Diarmuid: Bye.


Thanks~~ -梅石瑩玉- 給 梅石瑩玉 發送悄悄話 梅石瑩玉 的博客首頁 (72 bytes) () 12/09/2009 postreply 21:35:21



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