地道英語: Get Real 現實些吧 (英語聽力)

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Will she be rich in a year? Get real!

地道英語: Get Real 現實些吧 (英語聽力) ZT

Get Real 現實些吧
The script of this programme 本節目台詞

Feifei: 大家好,我是馮菲菲,您現在收聽的是 Authentic Real English.

William: And my name is William Kremer. Feifei, why are you smiling like that?

Feifei: 哦,沒事沒事。

William: No what is it? Is it me? Is there something wrong with my face?

Feifei: 你的臉從來就不太對勁,不過這倒不是我發笑的原因。我笑是因為我今天有個好消息。

William: Really? Go on.

Feifei: 我的一個朋友最近給我介紹了一樁好生意,絕對會賺大錢。我現在已經入了半個股… 如果一切順利的話,明年的這個時候我就會是一個百萬富翁了。想象一下吧,到時候我就是腰纏萬貫,每天燈紅酒綠,開著自己的豪華遊艇,住的是有遊泳池的大豪宅,手裏還會牽著一隻微型貴婦犬走來走去…

William: Wow, Feifei, that’s amazing. But you know what I think you should do?

Feifei: No, what?

William: I think you should get real. You’re not going to be rich this time next year. Your friend just wants to borrow some money off you.

Will she be rich in a year? Get real!
Feifei: I should get real?

William: If you say, “Get real”, it means be realistic. Don’t be a dreamer, don’t be deluded.

Feifei: Deluded 自欺欺人。那麽你說的 get real 就是說讓我現實一點、不要再做美夢了。

William: Let’s listen to an example.



A: When did Geoffrey say the deadline was for this research?

B: Er… Tuesday afternoon.

A: Tuesday? Geoff needs to get real!


Feifei: 在這個例句中,首先說話的那個人認為對方沒有足夠的時間來完成一項調研工作,他說他們的老板需要 get real 對要求完成的時限有一個現實的估計。不過他這話也不是直接說給老板聽的,因為這個詞組的語氣是相當直率不客氣的。

William: Yes, you can also say, time for a reality check.

Feifei: A reality check. William, 這個說法的意思也是一樣的嗎?

William: Yes it is. So, Feifei, before you give your friend any more money I really think you should take a reality check.

Feifei: Hmm… 也許你說得對。嗯,看來我還是靠老老實實主持我們的《地道英語》來慢慢致富吧。

William: Now that will take a long time. Remember everybody that if you enjoy Authentic Real English, you can get more at www.bbcukchina.com.

Both: Bye bye!


Don't count your chickens before they are hatched -lilac09- 給 lilac09 發送悄悄話 lilac09 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 11/25/2009 postreply 07:56:41

Well-said. Happy Thanksgiving. -婉蕠- 給 婉蕠 發送悄悄話 婉蕠 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 11/25/2009 postreply 08:59:22

“靠點譜” -SMERSH- 給 SMERSH 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 11/25/2009 postreply 22:17:41

謝謝分享,感恩節快樂。 -婉蕠- 給 婉蕠 發送悄悄話 婉蕠 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 11/26/2009 postreply 06:21:22



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