The best american series

Each year, there is a set of books from Best American Series. The best american short stories 2009; the best american essays 2009; the best american science and nature writings; the best american spiritual writing 2009; the best american mystery stories 2009 etc. I usually pick one of them to read for a particular year since I cannot read all of them.

For thinkers, I would recommend Malcolm Gladwell's four books: Blink, tipping point; Outliers; What the Dog Saw. Those are thought-provoking books.

For the essay learners, I would recommend Anna Joy's We are America. The essays selected by this book are excepts from masterpieces and more are oriented to immigrants who are new to America. The book is an expensive text book for essay wriitng.

There is a book called "don't sweat over small stuffs", which is pretty good read for people facing work stresses.

Depend on your interest, you might find "rich dad poor dad", "who moved my cheese" enjoyable.

For lovebugs, "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" is quite popular.

My recommendation is pretty comtemporary.


How do you like Gladwell? -北京二號- 給 北京二號 發送悄悄話 北京二號 的博客首頁 (729 bytes) () 11/14/2009 postreply 22:16:38

thought provoking way to explain social phenomena -englishreader- 給 englishreader 發送悄悄話 (2021 bytes) () 11/15/2009 postreply 09:21:16
