禮節美語: Dressing for Business (美語聽力)

來源: 婉蕠 2009-11-13 06:01:19 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (2915 bytes)
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禮節美語: Dressing for Business in the Heat of the Summer (美語聽力) ZT


(Office ambience)

CH:Hi Amy. 坐下一起吃吧!

A: I'd love to.

CH: 最近有什麽新鮮事嗎?

A: Well, I can tell that word got around about our being able to dress more comfortably during these hot days.

CH: 是啊,天太熱了,公司宣布放鬆著裝要求。你看我,就隻穿了長袖襯衣,把西裝和領帶放在辦公室裏,萬一要見客戶再穿。

A: Your dress shirt is fine, except that you are not wearing an undershirt.

CH: 什麽?裏麵還要穿汗衫?那不是更熱了嘛!

A: Still it is necessary. When a man isn't wearing an undershirt, it is obvious and he looks unprofessional.

CH: 你能說說男人一定要穿汗衫的理由嗎?

A: For one it adds polish. Neither men nor women need to be dressed in see-through clothing in the business world.

CH: 上班不應該穿透心的衣服。還有呢?

A: An undershirt adds a layer of protection.

CH: 多穿一層不是很熱嗎?

A: It's because of the heat that you need the layer of protection.

CH: 我還是不明白,有什麽可保護的啊?

A: When you perspire, the undershirt protects the dress shirt from showing the moisture and causing stains. It also absorbs some of the odor if you perspire heavily.

C: 哦,我明白了,汗衫可以吸汗,這樣外麵就看不出來汗漬了。



CH: Hi Amy, 我今天穿得如何?

A: You mean the undershirt?

CH: 是啊,這回總行了吧!

A: I guess I didn't explain myself completely. You are wearing a crew-neck undershirt.

CH: 穿高領衫難道不行嗎?

A: It would be fine if your shirt was buttoned at the neck, but you are wearing it open and I can see your undershirt.

CH: 我以前也見過別人這麽穿,所以才覺得沒問題的。

A: People shouldn't see your undergarments. If you want to wear a shirt that is open at the collar, choose a v-neck style.

CH: 那好,我中午出去買兩件V型領口的汗衫。

A: Good idea. And while you are at it, you might want to buy some socks to match your slacks and your shoes.

CH: 不能穿白襪子嗎?

A: They don't belong at work. Socks should always match your shoes or your slacks. Besides, white socks are far too casual.

CH: 那我能不能不穿襪子呢?今天會計科一個新來的就沒穿襪子,這樣就不存在搭配的問題了。

A: I suspect he will hear about that and you'll see him with socks on tomorrow.




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