This book was catching to me at first sight.

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I finished reading it almost with no interruption. Was deeply convinced by the author's points and analysis. Leant a lot practical thoughts and skills which I needed badly at the time.

It's always one of the best books I've ever read. But for some reason, or maybe it was just a coincident, I became more and more lack of motivation to fight againt the outside world since then.

Interestingly, an e-book recommended by grandland in career forum changed me the other way around. We have quite a few books on "厚黑" on my shelves, but I never had the desire to even open them. Perhaps this book written by a Taiwanese lady just appeared to me when I needed it the most. I believe it brought me back to reality.

It looks to me that life is all about balance. Too much detail is as bad as no detail, too much soul cleansing is as harmful as a total ignorance of it. Over skilled maybe is sometimes no better than skillless. --- 'Cause we have only limited time and energy.

Stephen Covey的這本書教人細線條的觀察、思考、生活,他的論點很好,講得也很透,可是對於那些本來就很敏感細心的讀者,最好留意別在這個方向上鑽得過深。對我個人,朱津寧的那本講厚黑的書,雖然翻譯排版質量乏善可陳(我讀的是其中譯本),可它及時把我從對人類內心世界的不懈探索中拉了出來。當我終於又著眼於大處去看問題的時候,我發現那些小的、細節的、感情的、人際的關係和技巧,都更清晰、簡單了。也隻有回到宏觀和現實以後,才恢複了從前的向上和鬥誌。我這樣猜想:很多人更需要補Covey的課,可能是因為這世界上有雄心壯誌並且一直在努力奮鬥著的人更多些。



回複:This book was catching to me at first sight. -blueswan- 給 blueswan 發送悄悄話 blueswan 的博客首頁 (106 bytes) () 10/25/2009 postreply 16:01:07

謝謝北京二號的點評。 -任我為- 給 任我為 發送悄悄話 任我為 的博客首頁 (198 bytes) () 10/25/2009 postreply 16:45:35
